Page 143 of Come Back To Me

He takes a breath. “What?”

“Will my family be safe? What if this goes wrong.” If we don’t catch the guy responsible for Aunt Linda, Jack will never let this go. My thumb taps the edge of the white shoes hanging on the rail.

I hear Jack moving, there’s rustling in the background. “We do this right. They’ll never be in danger again.”

“Then we’re done?” I’m referring to the shit storm we allow to hang over us. Because it’s draining, living in the past. I need peace. I only get that one way.

“Then we’re done.”

I look around again, grabbing the shoes off the rail. “There’s an old farm. I’ll bring him there tomorrow, 11am. I’ll text you the address.”

Chapter Thirty-Three


Did I just hear that right? Tomorrow. 11am at a farm? What the hell is going on? I watch as he ends the call, only to make another. The thrum of my heartbeat in my ears distorts my hearing. I can’t be sure of who he’s talking to. I quickly rummage through my bag, pulling out my phone, typing a message to Mollie.

Me: He’s going to a farm? Tomorrow, 11am

Mollie: Did he say why?

Me: I didn’t hear

Mollie: I think I know which one. It has to be Travis’ uncle’s place

Me: What do we do?

No reply but she’s read it.

Me: Mollie?

My heart leaps to my throat. We have no idea what is going on or whether Dean meant what he said.

Last night in his drunken state, he didn’t realise his blunder of telling me he would betray Travis. I managed to keep it together, even though my insides were in turmoil. Surely he wouldn’t betray the man he left to look after me? The man heentrusted with my life. His brother. And betray? What does that even mean?

Once he was asleep, I messaged Mollie in a panic. She called me, telling me it would be fine. But I know her well enough now to know when she’s lying. After some persuasion, I managed to convince her not to act on anything without me. We have to try and remain level-headed if we’re to find out what’s really going on.

With a drop of my head, my heart suddenly feels uneasy. If Mollie still has any feelings for Travis, I don’t doubt she’ll do anything to protect him.

“Look what I found,” Dean says cheekily, making me jump.

“Jesus, don’t do that.” I quickly drop my phone in my pocket without him seeing.

He takes me in his arms, pressing his lips to my head as he holds up a tiny pair of baby shoes.

Heart fluttering, I can’t help but sink, my body dropping into his as he holds me. His smell makes me momentarily stand down.

“Where’s your mum?”

Shit. I don’t know. I walked off trying to eavesdrop on Dean’s conversation. “Urm,” I look around. “There.” I point to Mum and Jess looking at various breast pumps and sterilisers.

He chuckles to himself. “I think they’re enjoying this more than you.”

I try to smile, watching them totally engrossed. But it’s fake.

“Mads?” Dean pulls me closer. Distracting me further.

The baby kicks, and my mind’s pulled back to him, my hand lifting to my bump.