Page 138 of Come Back To Me

Mollie gives me a knowing half smile.

“He’ll be back late but leave it with me.”

We finish our teas in relative silence. I don’t dwell on the fact that I haven’t asked more about her son. Each time we spend time together, we get closer. The trust builds.

Chapter Thirty-Two


Fuck me. I’ve drunk too much. The fresh air makes it abundantly clear as I step outside to light a smoke. I watch the tip glow amber, feeling the burn of the flame on my thumb. The delayed reaction to the pain has me grimacing, sucking the skin between my lips. I curse my lighter flipping it shut, then shove it in my pocket as my feet stagger on the spot, my eyes rolling to stay open.

I haven’t drunk anything in nearly two months. I’m glad I made the arrangements for tomorrow before I started drinking. I was half-cut one quarter into the bottle, let alone the whole thing. Now I’m fucked. All I want to do is go home, roll into bed with my girl and sleep. Because last night was the best sleep I’ve had in a long while. I crave more of it. Crave more of Mads in my arms, her skin against my skin, her body pushed up to mine.

I’ll be no good to her tonight. I’m far too pissed to worship her the way I should. The way she deserves. But tomorrow… today? Tomorrow?What bloody time is it?I pull out my phone. It’s two in the morning. Fuck.Today,Mads gets all of me. No club shit. No Jack. Just Me and Mads.

I notice she’s sent me a message.

Mads: I love youx

That was sent two hours ago. My stomach knots as I remember seeing the text she sent when I was inside. Her plea for me to come back to her. She knew I wouldn’t reply, but she sent it anyway. What have I done to her?

Trapped her in my shitty existence, that’s what. But I will get her out of it. Me included. To see the other side, I’ll have to risk it all.

The thought of Mads not being able to sleep whilst I’ve not been here for her is unrelenting. I was the same, but I don’t care about me. What I care about is the mother of my child getting the rest that she needs. She doesn’t need any of the added stress this last mission will bring.Mission?I’m not fucking Action Man.

I scoff, then jump out of my skin noticing Travis stood behind me, a bottle of Vodka in his hand. “Jesus!” I bellow. “You trying to give me fucking a heart attack?”

He looks around, standing motionless. “Why are we out here?” he asks confused.

I look around as best I can, one eye open. “Beats me?”

“Beats… wasn’t he taking us home?” he says.

I swing my head back to the door, my brain rolling in my skull.

Beats is stood slumped against the wall, his limp dick in his hand as he takes a piss. Travis looks. We watch on as Beats then flops into the bricks, his body slumping to the floor with a thud. We grimace at the same time. “I don’t think so.” I’m definitely not that drunk.

“Then who the fuck is? And why the fuck are we stood here?” Travis gripes. I don’t answer.

Looking down at my hand, I lift my smoke to my lips, drawing the nicotine in.

Travis lifts a hand to me. “Thought you were quitting?” he asks.

I pass it to him. “You about to give me bitch advice?”

He sucks, blowing out a white plume with his head raised to the heavens. Between heavy blinks I watch as he laughs, holding the bottle out by his side. “No, I’m giving you Vodka.”

My body recoils. I still accept and take an unwanted sip, surprised I don’t shudder as it goes down. “So, no luck finding Lauren’s brother?”

Travis rolls his head. “No.”

I take another sip from the bottle, hating every second, baring my teeth as I swallow. “I think I might know where he is.”

“Where?” Travis slurs.

I don’t know how to explain that yet. “What are we doing here Trav?” I say after a moment.

Travis shakes his head, his free hand pulling at the back of his neck. He knows I’m not talking about being outside.