Page 122 of Come Back To Me

I move closer, inspecting it. Two glistening, sickly iced buns have my name on them. “Lauren, these,” I lift the brown bag to my nose, sniffing them intently, “these are no good for breakfast.”

She smiles. “But you’re glad I got them?”

I tear open the bag, taking a large mouthful. Heaven. “Yep,” I mumble.

Lauren places a cup of tea on the table.

“Did you have a good night?” I ask swallowing.

“Yeah. Alright I suppose. Saw an old friend.”

I pause thinking she’ll elaborate. She doesn’t. “Oh?”

“It’s nothing. How was your night? You seem different this morning.”

If she only knew. “Uh, yeah. I got an early night and woke up feeling rested, I guess.”

Lauren levels her penetrating gaze at me. I suddenly feel onthe spot. “You feel, rested?” she questions disbelievingly.


Her lips part on a laugh. “No offence, Mads, but you aren’t usually awake now, and I haven’t seen you eat food likethatbefore.”

I pause mid-scoff before a floorboard creaks.

Lauren’s head immediately shoots to the hallway. “Who’s there?” Her eyes are wide. Shock and fear smear across her features. “Who’s there, Mads?”

“Lauren.” I stand holding my hands up, cursing Dean under my breath. “I wanted to tell you in my own time—”

“—are you cheating on Dean?”

I freeze. Shocked. But weirdly I admire her protectiveness. “No!” I shake my head with a stunned laugh.

“Don’t lie to me. If there’s another man here, I will hurt him!”

“Woah, take it easy,” I sooth, trying to calm her. Another creak sounds from the hall. I let out a sigh, dropping my head. “You might as well come out now.” I roll my eyes at his lack of ability to wait.

Dean’s feet sound louder as he approaches where we are.

Lauren’s jaw hits the floor the moment he comes into view. “What the fucking hell is this?” she shouts.

I open my mouth to scold her, but Dean beats me to it. “What the fucking hell wasthat?”

I slap his arm.

“Why? How? What the fuck!” Lauren says still startled.

I can’t blame her. But still. “Stop swearing,” I tell her, rolling my eyes purposely so Dean can see what he’s done. He stands still, a slight line donning his forehead. “You deserved that one.”

Lauren steps closer. “Dean, is that really you?”

He looks away from me. “It’s me, kid.”

“Shit.” I shake my head at her. “Sorry. But… come on. He’s here!” Surprising both of us, Lauren darts forward, wrapping her arms around Dean.

I see him, his eyes are wide. He has no clue what to do. “Uh, this is a little different to how you last greeted me.”

She pulls back, a spring in her step. “Yeah well, that was when I thought… when I thought you may have hurt Jay or something.” She shrugs.