“Mads, I need you to go home.”
“Home?” Why home? He asked me to be here. He asked me to help.
“What happened? Did you see him?”
Travis’ sigh is immediate. I don’t miss it. It causes a knock in my chest which throws me back a step. Tears fill my eyes. A hazy fog clouds what’s right in front of me. Dean’s lost himself. Buried himself in his darkness. I feared it would happen. Feared and knew it would happen. Iknew. Because I’ve lost myself too. Because that’s what happens when we don’t have the other by our side.
“Go home. I’ll be there soon.” My lips part when I go to speak but his raised finger stops me. “Please. Just go home. Get Legs to follow you.”
His eyes plead with me, and that’s something I don’t enjoy. Yes, I’ve tested him. I’ve pushed boundaries with him and Dean sometimes. But only because they’re stubborn and controlling. This though, this is a situation where I fully understand I need to listen.
My heart’s pounding. The tears I’m holding clog my throat as I move to get my bag. I give Mollie a look, swinging the strap over my shoulder.
She raises a small smile. “I’ll message you,” she says not moving.
Leaving the space, I walk away in search of Legs.
On the drive home, I can’t shake the feeling that I’m stuck in reverse. Like I’m moving in slow motion, away from everything I want. Tears uncontrollably fall from my eyes. I keep wiping them away, but it’s no good.
Intuition casts its unwanted veil over me. Why? Why now? What changed for Travis to have come back so shaken? Every bone in my body wants to drive to the prison to see Dean. Wants to demand they let me in. Let me save him, bring him back to where he needs to be. With me. With us.
Pulling up at the house, I sit, unable to move my body to the front door. My head falls, and my hands rest on my bump. I cradle it as the baby kicks. Each nudge sends fresh waves of confusion and heartache to bulldoze their way through me. I’m breaking down when I don’t know what’s happened. I should pull myself together until I know what’s really going on. I should summon the strength instilled in my blood to remain strong.
But in the bottom of my heart, I feel it. Feel the pull towards a sorrowful truth that hides around the corner.
Legs taps the window, getting my attention. “Need me to come in?” His gentle voice stings me with melancholy. My energy zapped, I take him up on his offer, letting him open the car door and take my bag.
Lauren opens the front door seeing my tear-streaked face. Her face drops, and I manage to smile, hoping it’s enough to pacify her. She steps back letting me in, and I turn catching Legs with his eyes on her, his arm outstretched holding my bag for me to take. Motionless.
I look to her and double take, seeing Lauren staring back equally charged.
Legs looks at me. “What?” he stammers.
“Nothing.” I raise a brow before he shakes his head as if realising he’s been caught.
“Need anything else?”
My eyes pull from Lauren, and I take my bag. “No. Thank you.”
“I can stay,” he fires back too quickly for my liking, possibly revealing his intentions.
“We’re good. Thanks, Legs.” Taking a step forward, I encourage the young prospect out of the house then turn to Lauren.
She stares at the door after him. “His nickname isLegs?” she asks curiously.
Closing my eyes, I gather myself. “It doesn’t matter.” Travis will be here soon. “I need you to run to the shop.”
The way she looks at me. She knows something’s wrong. “O-kay.” Her tone is curious. “You, alright?”
Feeling another onslaught barrelling my way, I quickly walk to the kitchen. “Yeah,” I lie, “just hormones.”
Lauren follows me. “What do we need?” she asks tentatively.
Shit. Anything.Say anything. “Um, grab some milk. Some bread, maybe?”
I sigh. “Yes. Please,” I turn to face her, “grab bread.” Reaching for my bag, I open my purse and hand her some money, then watch as she turns and leaves. She closes the door behind her.