Page 79 of Come Back To Me

I know I’m being a hypocrite when I reply, “We had no choice.”

The Saint laughs again, throwing his head back. “Rippers had no choice but to get into guns? Guessing it was join them or let them get immeasurably rich?”

“It was more than that,” I say. I turn on the spot, looking up to the ceiling. “Working with them was about protecting what’s ours and keeping everyone safe. Too much blood was spilled before we came to an agreement.”

“And now?” he asks.

“Rippers will allow them through our county lines, but they don’t stop. They pay the toll to pass through, just like always. We’re not involved beyond that.”

Standing off the chair, The Saint walks towards me. “A lot appears to have changed for the Rippers in the past few days.”

What the fuck’s he talking about?“Meaning?”

“Meaning, I heard you’re loading and transporting now.”

“That’s not what was agreed,” I bite. My insides start boiling, my ears ringing.

Face to face, he holds his hands up. “Don’t shoot the messenger. Vincent said Costa changed the deal when they sat down together.”

Why the fuck am I only finding out about this now? “I need a burner,” I tell him. I need a fucking line to Travis as soon as I’m back in my cell.

The Saint dips his chin to his chest and with that, I make my way to the door. I’m two steps away, my hand raised to knock for the officer stood outside to let me out.

“Hold up,” The Saint says quietly, stopping me in my tracks. “What do you know of this Costa?”

Turning around, I look at him. “He’s Irish. Could source military weapons.”

The Saint nods. “Heard he’s a big player. Got a lot of money coming in from somewhere.”

I let out a huff of my breath. “And Vincent wanted in on it.” I’m thinking out loud. I can tell when I see him looking back at me curiously.

“And you couldn’t let him.”

Itisas simple as that. “Not when they plan on going through our turf, no,” I reply. After a beat I say, “Look into him? Anything you can find, I want to know.”

The Saint dips his chin. The dreaded feeling that I need to know everything about everyone seems to hit me in the face. “I’ll start with the Irish and be in touch.”

At lights out, I sit in my cell staring at the scan picture. My thumb absentmindedly strokes over the face of the baby.Three things you love.My girlfriend. My unborn child. My club.And the other three things.Me. Myself. And I.

What would I change if I could? My mind trails as the cell door opens. Luke walks in and pushes it to behind him. “Courtesy of The Saint,” he says in a low tone, reaching underneath his jumper and pulling out a pair of rolled up socks.

I extend my hand and take it from him. Sitting up on the bed, swinging my legs off the side, I unroll the socks finding theburner phone I requested. That was quick. I look up to Luke and nod my thanks.

“He knows what he needs,” he says.

Already?“What is it?”

Luke walks towards the door, checking no one’s outside. “The Irish.” His voice is quiet. “They’re going to intercept your first gun haul with the Sodom Saviours.” Jesus Christ. “Seems they’re not a big fan of this Costa.”

How the fuck has he found this out so fast? “What does he need from me?”

Luke looks at me a little sincerely. “Rippers need to stop that from happening.”

My body stiffens. “I’m not sending my men to fucking slaughter.” Hot flames dance in my eyes. My bones burn, my skin’s immediately clammy.

Dropping his head, Luke hesitatingly adds, “He also said he forgot to ask how Madison was? And the baby.” He speaks so soft and slowly, it doesn’t match his size or the threat being made.

Biting the inside of my lip, the taste of copper instantly coats my tongue. I try with every ounce of my being not to, but I stand, moving my body closer to Luke. Tension suddenly swims between us.