Page 76 of Come Back To Me

“Mads, what do you want me to say?”

I quickly swipe the tear at my eye, then sip my coffee, turning my head away from him.

“It’s a murder charge,” he sighs. “He’ll be refused bail and kept in custody until his trial starts. Could be weeks. Maybe months.” Closing my eyes, I force myself not to completely lose control. “Heads up,” he says, making me sit bolt upright.

Mollie walks out of a room.

“You ready?” he asks me.

I don’t reply. Instead I stand and make my way to her.

“Mads, what are you doing here?” Mollie questions. Her eyes have a red glow directly under her lids. She looks between me and Travis.

“What is it?” My voice is dry and burning.

Mollie looks again at Travis, and my eyes follow. The way they glare at each other is intense.

“What’s going on?” I ask urgently.

She looks directly into my soul. “He’s about to be escorted inside.”

Shit. My stomach bottoms out. I feel like I’m going to faint. Allowing the tears to fall but taking steadying breaths, I manage to speak. “I need to see him.”

With a sigh, Mollie drops her head. “He thinks you’re already south.” I swallow my sadness. “I didn’t tell him about the other night.”

I nod. Grateful. “Did he say anything else?”

Mollie shakes her head. “No. Are you sure you want to come in? I’m really not sure it’s for the best, Mads. Travis?”

He sighs, stood behind me. “Maybe she’s right,” he forces himself to say. “It won’t do him any good to see you right now.”

I take in a breath. “It won’t do me any good if Idon’tget to see him.”

Mollie looks at her watch.

I start to turn before Travis can try to talk me out of it.

“Right,” is all he says, his voice flat. “Make sure you get him out,” I hear him order. Travis then leads me into the courtroom, his hand turning my shoulder.

We sit hidden towards the back. There aren’t many people here, three or four sat on the other side to us. I look around spying the door Dean will come in through. A glass screen sits in front of where it’s obvious he’ll be stood behind.

My heart’s hammering. My chest rising and falling irrationally as men and women in suits start entering the room. The sombre mood they all carry signifies the severity of the charges about to be read. I look at Travis, but he doesn’t say a word.

A door opens, making me look down. I see Dean. His hair is dishevelled. His face drawn out and tired like he hasn’t slept. The way he’s carrying himself… Something isn’t right. Is he hurt?

Please God don’t let him be hurt. As if hearing my thoughts, Dean looks up through the glass, spotting Travis. He sits, then his face turns grave when he sees me.

Chapter Eighteen


As soon as I see her face, the mixture of emotions I feel is so fucking hard to comprehend. I don’t move. Rooted to my spot, the physical pain doesn’t come close to how heavy my heart feels when I see her start to cry. I can’t quite make out her face, but the way Travis comforts her, it’s obvious.

What is she doing here? She should be far away, not able to see me like this. He knew what I wanted. He knew I needed her to be away. And Mollie? Did she know?

I just about catch someone saying all rise, but I’m still frozen on the spot. Mollie whips her head around to look at me on the other side of the glass cage I’m stuck behind.

My eyes snap to the magistrate who’s entering the room. With my hands cuffed down in front of me, I try to stand as straight as I can. Through the pain in my bones, through the fire roaring through my chest, I look at him, shutting down everything else.