Page 58 of Come Back To Me

I grip the leather of his cut so hard, my knuckles tear in agony.

My emotions destroy whatever hold I had left on this situation. A terrifying scream fractures my chest as I let it roar out of me.

He can’t be gone. He has to come back.

Chapter Fourteen


Hearing Mads’ scream as they moved Dean outside was enough for any grown man to feel broken. Her cries pierced the air like shards of glass ripping through it. The blood inside my veins curdled as chills ran down my spine.

I can only imagine the kind of devastation ripping through my president right now. He just has to keep it together. For all of our sakes.

We argued when he sat us all down and laid out how things were going to play for the foreseeable. It had me wanting to bury him six feet under. But when I saw Mollie show up again at the clubhouse, I lost it. I mean, I fuckinglostit.

Dean and I fought, something we’ve never done—not like that, anyway. Is it possible to love one of your brothers but want to kill them at the same time? Because that’s exactly where my head’s at right now.

A former version of himself reared its head the day Vincent asked us to go to the barn. Dean’s never not been that brutal, but I spent days after wishing I’d been the one to rip the man open for answers. We both knew it had to be him though. We knew Vincent was watching how he’d handle it.

And now, when I least want to be watched and my every move nitpicked, all eyes are onfuckingme. Four days. Fourmeasly days after he found out about a potential charge, he was gone. Not two weeks or even one. Four. Fucking. Days.

Mop sits to my right in his usual seat at the table. I won’t sit in Dean’s, that aint my place.

Captain walks in disgruntled.

“What is it?” I ask him.

“You sure we’re doing this? Wouldn’t it just be easier to kill them all?”

Probably. “We need this,” I answer.

“Is it worth it though? Getting into bed with people we don’t know for the sake of holding back our enemies?” He sits in his seat then sips his beer before pulling out his smokes.

I wish I had a fucking straight answer to that. To be honest, a part of me wonders the same thing. The deal we’re about to lock down, if we don’t do thiswiththe Saviours, they’ll take it for themselves and Rippers will eventually lose all power. Yes, it would be easier to leave them to it. But our history, it runs so fucking deep. “We have to agree to this.”

We all look to one another realising we’re going to be much richer than we’ve ever been, but at what cost, I don’t know.

Banging the gavel to the table, I say, “Let’s get this fucking done, shall we?”

A few of them nod. Others shake their heads but still eventually agree.

“Beats, send ‘em up.”

He turns to the door, heading to fetch the Sodom Saviours and our new business partners who are waiting downstairs. This is so far from any fucking scenario I envisioned us having; me doing this without Dean here. But it’s what he wanted.

Everyone comes to the door of our meeting room.

“Phones?” I ask.

“I’ve got them, Trav,” Beats says, nodding his head behind them, then closing the door and taking his seat.

“Cosy in here.”

I look at the guy wearing a Saviours’ cut. Lauren’s uncle.

“Listen, Princess, your men chose to meet here. Let’s move on, we have shit to discuss.”

Darkened eyes stare back at me, not enjoying my tone. “Where’s my niece?” Billy asks, his eyes sharp.