Legs turns, smiling at me like the cat that got the cream. I don’t miss him wink at Jay.
“What?” I ask, looking between them.
“Nothing,” he says, then turns sipping his beer.
I look at Jay flatly. “You told them, didn’t you?”
The guys choke on their beers in unison.
He may have patched in and took a giant one for the team, but still, the way Legs laughs has me rolling my eyes.
My recent fall down a ladder resulted in an unwanted trip to hospital for something minor. “It’s not that funny.”
“It really is. Watching you get carted off to hospital for a broken toe was fucking hilarious,” Jay laughs.
“How long do they think your recovery will take?” Beats asks with a snort into his pint.
They all laugh again.
My eyes narrow. “Fuck you guys.” I turn walking away with a huff, leaving them to break out in another round of laughter at my expense. Fucking Jay. I’m deducting his pay next week.
Passing Bex, I see Jess and a few of the girls from Mads’ work dancing in the small space made for a dance floor. Mads isn’t with them. To my surprise, Red is. She looks happy.
It still blows my mind he’s with Red, but Jack seems to have found what he wants. The pair seem pretty serious having spent a lot of time together this past year. There was even talk of them finding a place of their own. I might not get it, but if it means he stays, I’ll support whatever decision he makes.
Undoing the top button of my shirt, I step out the front of the pub finding Travis and Mollie in an embrace.
They hear me. Both their heads swing to look at me.
Mollie smiles then kisses Travis’ cheek before he lets her go. She walks towards me, gently placing her hand on my arm as she walks by.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing you twonottrying to kill each other,” I say as I turn to look at him.
Travis grins as he lights a smoke. “She’s still the only woman I would enjoy killing.”
My eyes widen a fraction. “What you doing out here?”
He holds out the packet of smokes, offering me one. “Thinking.”
I shake my head. Travis isn’t one for heartache and feelings. “About?”
“The usual. Club shit. Life.”
“Anything I can help with?”
He sighs, rubbing his face. “No, brother. Not this time.”
So, it’s club shit. He knows if he asks, I’ll help in some way. So he won’t.
“Everything good with your boy?”
He inhales from his smoke, throwing his head back. Finding out he had a son changed a lot of things for Travis. “Apart from the fact he's still holding a lot of grudges? Yeah, perfect.”
“Kid just needs time, he’ll come around.”
Travis frowns. “It’s been a year, Dean. He’s had plenty of time. Mollie’s done everything she can. Kid wants the dad who raised him, you know? Not me.”
“It’s a big change for him.” I step closer. “You still got that number I gave you?”