Bex’s face drops. “You’re not so sure?”
“I’m sure he’ll do anything to get what he wants.”
Her round eyes dance between mine. “Which is?”
I try to swallow the burning lump lodged in my throat. “To be free,” I sob, unable to contain the sadness anymore.
Bex rushes to me as fast as she can, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.
I let it all out. Every silly tear. Every pent-up piece of emotion I’ve kept in check since we arrived down here. It all comes rushing out of me in uncontrollable waves.
“Hey,” Bex says. She rubs the side of my arm, resting her chin on my head.
“Shit.” I wipe the tracks of tears lining my cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” She moves back to her chair, taking my hand in hers on the table. “You’ll get your freedom. Both of you.”
“How can you be so sure?”
With a smile, Bex looks at our hands. Both of hers are now wrapped around mine. “Do you remember how you used to overthink every situation? How you’d obsess and worry about things out of your control. Or things that are just downright ridiculous?”
I roll my eyes on a slight embarrassed laugh. “Yes,” I say, knowing I’ve gotten better.
“Well, sometimes life throws shit things at you. Not because you deserve them. Not because it’s trying to test you. Simply because it knows you deserve so much more. It makes you strive for more.” I smile. “Since you two have been together, you’re once again the woman I’ve known my entire life. He’s your more.” Trying to control the wobble of my bottom lip, I can barely see her through the mist clouding my vision. “Youweremade for each other. That’s how I know.”
I let out a snotty laugh as my nose runs uncontrollably. “Get me a tissue.”
Bex laughs, grabbing a box of Kleenex off the windowsill.
We both turn our heads hearing footsteps approaching.
“What did I miss?” Jess’ hair is dishevelled, one side more knotted than the other.
“Nothing. Just two emotional women crying at two o’clock in the morning.”
“Great,” Jess says rubbing her eyes, moving to fill up the kettle, her feet dragging across the floor. “I came here for a break, you know. Even Axl doesn’t wake me at this god-awful hour.” She drags a hand down her face, catching her bottom lip against her palm. “Urgh,” she grumbles, dribbling, “and we have to deal with your moody aunt today.”
“Yep.” Bex’s face is smug as she drops the tissues on the table. “And my cousin Elle.”
“The one who swears she can forecast the weather by how hard her nipples get?” I ask.
Jess freezes, one eye half open, looking between us. “Don’t expect me to be nice to them. Not now.”
Bex and I laugh as Jess makes her cup of tea, then joins us at the table.
“So, sleeping beauty, do we need any last-minute bits before the shower?”
Jess waggles a finger, her eyes still not fully opened. “No. Got it all after we left Dad’s.”
“You always this cheery when you wake up? I thought you’d be a pro at early mornings.”
Jess lowers her mug. “Early mornings, yes. Middle of the night, not so much. Plus, Axl hasn’t woke in the night for six months now. Even when he does, Max sees to him.”
Bex purses her lips. “That’s sweet,” she says.
Jess smiles, clearly missing him, even with their rough patch. She runs her hands through her hair. “I think being away from everyday routines has made me feel more tired. Made me realise how much we both do. I might go message him actually,see if he’s still awake.” She stands, tucking in her chair, her eyes now fully open. “You two going to be okay?”
Bex and I exchange a look. “We’re good,” I tell her.