Page 174 of Come Back To Me

I look up when someone calls my name. “Motherfucker.” I whistle, drawing the attention of all the men towards the man—no,boy,standing watching us like we’re the crazy ones. “I’m going to kill you!” I make a grab for Legs, but he jumps out of my way.

“I’m sorry!” He takes a wise step back.

“You fucking will be,” I shout. “Why’d you take off?”

“I heard them talking about where they were going. Figured I’d just go see for myself.”

He shrugs his shoulders, and I swallow my anger. “That was the whole point of the trackers.” Breathing heavy, I turn to Travis. “Take it off him.”

Travis steps forward, grabbling with Legs’ cut that he must have picked up off the table when he walked in.

“Wait! Wait! Okay! Look!” Travis holds him by the scruff as he begs for us to listen. “Just look at my phone!” With a push forward, Legs dives into his pocket, pulling out his phone, turning the screen towards us. “I found them, okay?” He speakslaboured breaths, but his voice is calm. “I found some of them. Women, men. A kid.”

My frightful eyes hone in on the screen. “Where was this?”

Jack steps forward, lowering his face to the screen. I hear him take in a sharp breath of air. “Fuck,” he says barely audible.

I look at him, then to the phone. My eyes drag back to his. “Is that him?”

Jack nods, his eyes wide.

My stomach flips, and I look back at the screen in his hand, my heart racing. The image isn’t clear, but I notice the man’s wearing glasses. “We’ve got him.”

Vincent swipes under his bleeding nose as Legs continues. “The lorry went to an old airfield by the river.”

Jack swallows, steeling his composure as he pulls out his phone, opening up one of the apps. He zooms in. “Explains why bodies keep showing up on the beach. River runs for one mile before hitting the sea.” He looks at me. “What else?” he asks quietly, turning to Legs.

“Each person had a tag assigned to them. Keep going.” He signals for me to keep swiping through the photos. “There was Rohypnol as well. Guessing for when they move them?”

“And this?”

“That’s the form.” He steps closer. “It had all their names on it. I overheard a few men talking. Two days time, they get auctioned on the web, then they get moved.”

“Which is when we’ll get informed of the shipment, I guess,” Travis adds, piecing things together. “How the fuck did you find out all of this?” Travis snatches the phone, looking for himself.

Vincent finally speaks up. “What does he mean, auctioned? People?”

“It’s the dark fucking web,” Jack snaps. “You’re in organ trafficking now. Happy?” He cocks a brow, and Vincent’s face drops like lead.

“You knew?” Vincent asks me.

I look to Jack. “Only once I got out.”

Vincent’s eyes follow mine. “That was you?” he asks Jack.

Jack rolls his shoulders, giving him a nod.

“Guessing it was also you who offed The Saint?”

Stunned, my eyes meet Jack’s once more.

Vincent wouldn’t make the link between Jack and the threats. But The Saint? Jack had him killed? “He got what he deserved,” he answers sternly, keeping his eyes on mine.

“Hmm. Was only a matter of time, I guess. He always did take it too far. So, now what?” Vincent asks.

“Now?” Jack puts his phone away then rubs at his shoulder. “I’ll go inside, get my name on that form.”

I give him a bitter laugh. “You’re built like a brick shit house. These people come from poverty.” My heart kicks. A lingering sadness gathers. “I’ll go.” What choice do I have? I’m only a bit smaller than Jack, but this is my club. These are my men. I can’t expect them to do anything I wouldn’t.