Page 170 of Come Back To Me


We lay still. Both quiet until his phone rings from his pocket halfway down his legs. I laugh watching him trying to find it. “Yeah,” he answers, still laid on his back. He then bolts upright, looking down to me. “Okay, I’ll be there. Give me half an hour.”

I refuse to sit, bending an arm underneath my head as I watch him arrange his clothes.

“Travis,” he says.

I smile because I didn’t ask. He pauses, the realisation catching up. I can’t help but laugh at him. “Do you know about him and Mollie?” I ask out of nowhere.

He frowns, probably thinking the same. “What about them?”

I feel my nerves fray. This isn’t my news to tell, but I wonder if Dean knows. “I think they have a son.”

His eyes widen before he closes them shut. “A son?”

I nod at his question.

Dean looks like he’s seen a ghost. “Does Travis know?”

I shake my head. “I saw a photo at Mollie’s place. The little boy looked just like Travis. She didn’t confirm it, but it was clear she was in pain. She said she wasn’t ready to talk about it.”

He rubs his face deep in thought, his hand stroking his beard. Like a history they once all shared finally makes sense. “She asked me to help her with something when this is all done.”

“You think it’s to do with this?”

“Has to be. Fuck.” He lets out a breath, sitting back on the bed. “Explains why she came back, but I don’t get the timing.”

My face drops. “Her husband died at Christmas. She doesn’t have anyone else.”

He closes his eyes. “She came home,” he whispers as he slowly stands. “Keep this between us.”

I nod, but silence stills us for a few moments. “What did Travis want?” I ask, bringing Dean’s attention to me.

His jaw stops ticking, his frustration ebbing away. “Got to meet back at the clubhouse. Then meet the Saviours later.”

I sit up. “Will Billy be there?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“He can’t know Lauren’s staying here. If he finds out, he could have her taken. He came close once, Dean. I don’t want him knowing.”

He nods his head in thought. “It’s her birthday soon.” I don’tsee what that has to do with it. Dean must see my confusion. “I’ll sort it.”

“Meaning?” I ask, my face tight.

“Meaning, I’ll sort it.” With that, he kisses my head and starts towards the door, double taking, looking back to the bed. I follow his gaze. “You found it then?” He walks forward, picking up Lauren’s key, a guilty but somewhat satisfied expression on his face.

“You’re a bad man, Mr Carter,” I tease.

With a smile he leans over me again. “No, babe, justyourbad man.”

Chapter Thirty-Eight


Iarrive at the clubhouse and make my way to Travis by the bar.

“Where’d you go?” he asks briskly.