Page 114 of Come Back To Me

Jack hesitates, his lips part but he stops himself. After what feels like hours, he finally speaks. “My plan is simple.” He smiles. “Divide. Complicate. Unpick.” He’s focused. Each word he delivers ferociously, with lasers for eyes locked on mine.

“Divide?” I struggle to conceal my look of shock.

Divisions. Divisions appeared when the threats to the Sodom Saviours started.A ghost, some might say, appears to be haunting us. They were The Saint’s words.Divide. Complicate. Unpick.

I couldn’t have known Jack was alive, but I feel like a fool. I allow my head to drop. It’s obvious. So bloody obvious. “It was you sending threats. Wasn’t it?” My voice is quiet, but the ringingin my head is anything but.

Jack’s half shrug and dismissive wave of his hand has me across the table in a flash. I land a solid fist to his nose, making his body curl off the chair to the floor.

He stands, shaken, taking a few steadying steps.

“This is your fault!” I shout, my fists curled tight. All of it is his fault. The charges against me were unstoppable, but everything that followed after the package showed up on the Saviours' doorstep is on him.

Jack. The dead man.

He tilts his head to the sky, blinking his eyes rapidly. Good. I hope it stings. Prick. I move to sit back down, my foot frantically tapping the floor.

Think. Think. Think.

Cracking his neck before he starts sniffing back the blood, he turns looking the angriest I’ve ever seen him. “Now we match,” he throws at me flatly. He stalks back to the table leaning both hands flat. “I assumed you’d stay away from this. Then I found out you went into business with theSaviours?I couldn’t fuckin’ stand it. I did what I did to try and keep you away.”

Heat floods me. My voice raises. “What youdidwas make them not trust us!”

“Exactly!” Jack pushes off the table holding his palms to the ceiling. “I thought with enough push they wouldn’t let you in on the new deal. But low and be—fuckin’—hold, you go and get yourselves a front row seat!”

“Why does this mean so much to you? You’ve known what the club does since we were kids. Never once have you gotten this involved to stop us doing business?”

Jack sighs. “This goes bigger than simply running guns! You nosedived to the darkest depths of hell and you don’t even fuckin’ know it!”

I need a drink. A smoke. Anything to calm my shot to fucknerves bouncing all around me. “Then tell me! Tell me what the fuck is really going on here.” I push to my feet demanding to know. “Tell me what was worth more to you than family!”

His eyes jump. His cheeks puff out. “It is fuckin’ family! It’s Mum.”

What?His words get lost in translation. This is getting more complicated by the fucking second. “What are you talking about?” My head is swimming. I can’t take this all in. How can this have anything to do with Aunt Linda?

Jack bangs the table then puts his fist through the back of the chair. It shatters into a million pieces, scattering across the floor. Rage has consumed him. Blinding rage that overtakes him. “We missed one. We fuckin’ missed one.” His voice is harsh. His words clearly stinging him.

“Missed one?” I think back to the event. The day that for years has plagued me. The promise we made never to let another woman get hurt on our watch, we’ve kept it. But missed one? “We killed the only man there. How do you know we missed one?” My blood is starting to boil. Tiny ripples of hot, steaming anger are pushing their way to the surface.

“He was a former prospect. Took off after…” Jack’s voice trails. “They showed me a picture. He’s unidentifiable, but the dates matched the person in the picture close to the scene. He’d been at the rally, Deano. He followed her.”

“Who is he?” Because right now I know Jack’s thinking the same as me. He’s a dead man.

“I don’t know. The threats were to flush him out and push you away… if I can stop Costa, I’ll find him.”


Jack lowers himself to the remains of the broken chair.

I move and sit opposite him.

“The guy is close to Costa. I don’t know how or where, but the two go hand in hand.”

I sigh, my head starting to ache with the overload of emotions and information. “This is how they got you to play dead? Dangling a man in front of you.”

Jack looks up at me through his lashes, anger still very much coursing through him. “I know what they showed me. I know that I need to stop that, then I find the man who killed my mother. And when I do.Ikill him.” Jack sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I know he’s here. He was involved with the Saviours at some point. That’s where you come in. Former prospect, it’s likely he’s patched in now.”

Makes sense. Both clubs have recruited new members. But we’ve got tabs on everyone. Surely I’d know? I roll my bottom lip under my teeth. “He could be any one of them. But in case you weren’t aware, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” I hold my hand out, gesturing towards the blank walls.