I can’t help but laugh at the thought of him having to go naked all day.
“He burnt his pretty pom arse off for the rest of the fuckin’ day!” VP smiles, enjoying the memory. “Never could get it again after that. Deano wouldn’t let it out of his sight.”
“Uncle Ronnie made sure I never did. He gave me so much shit for taking off my cut and leaving it.”
“Was priceless,” Jack says, still laughing at the thought.
Half an hour later we’re heading out of the city onto less busy roads. Jack presses the accelerator pedal and I open my eyes from where I was resting. It’s not excessive, but the way the car leaps into life, pushes me back into my seat. Looking at Jack, I watch him look in his rear view, then his side mirrors, then to VP.
VP turns round then faces back to nod at Jack.
Something’s happening, but my tired brain can’t make it out. “What’s wrong?” I query. VP's breathing has quickened, his face now concerned.
“Put your seatbelt on,” he instructs.
“It’s already on.”
He checks for himself.
“How many, Deano?” Jack asks, his head constantly moving from his mirrors back to the road. The speed increases, again I’m sucked back into my seat.
“What’s happening?” I ask.
“Just one, Jack. You carrying?”
“My gun’s in the glove box.”
My head moves like a Wimbledon spectator, waiting for someone to bloody tell me what’s happening. My exhaustion has subsided due to the adrenaline coursing through my veins.
I look behind.
A small white car is following us. Both occupants look too old to be of any trouble, and they’re followed by a lorry. I can’t see anything out of place.
Looking back to VP, I put my hand on his thigh, a silent plea for answers. He places his hand on mine reassuringly.
“Don’t worry, Jack’s the best WA high speed driver. They won’t catch us.”
“Who won’t catch us?!” I snap.
VP turns, bringing me with him. “About four cars back, behind the lorry. There, the grey van. There’re two guys in it. See it?” Driving on the wrong side of the road I make out a grey van gaining on us with ferocious speed. “Jack!” VP urges.
Jack kicks the car into another gear, then steam rolls down the road. Looking back, there’s no doubt that the grey van is following us. He dips and dives behind the vehicles behind us.
“Why are they following us?” I ask.
“They must have seen you at the airport, Deano,” Jack explains, and I don’t like what that suggests.
“Fuck. That didn’t take long.”
“Told you they were bold. Eyes everywhere. Better take that cut off.” Jack smiles and raises his eyebrows.
“Fuck no.”
“Why’d you better take it off?” I’m thrown left, then right as Jack manoeuvres the car at high speed.
“I’m in Sodom Saviours' territory. Shouldn’t have it on. It’s disrespectful.”
“Then why do you?” I ask, my hands holding the seat in front of me.