Page 92 of Straight to Me

Our eyes lock and I feel our souls connect. There’s a burning question in the back of my mind that I hadn’t let myself think about until now.

“Could you give it up?”

He drops his head and I already know the answer before he gives it. “No, I fucking chose it.”

Blinking to keep the pools in my eyes from spilling over, I don’t know how to feel about that.

He holds my head in his hands, pulling me to look at him again. “But I choose you too. I wantyouto have the best of me, Mads. I want to be better because of you and for you.”

He kisses me, taking away my ability to ask more questions with his urgent need for love in this moment. I know he loves me, and I do love him. But is it enough to look past everything he’s done, everything he’s still going to do?

Chapter Twenty-Two

In the three days following VP’s party I’d managed to establish some sort of routine in my new life. Waking up either at my flat or in VP’s bed, he’d kept his promise of never having a night apart from me. He cooked for us, ran me hot baths and he took me riding on the back of his bike, making me fall in love with it.

He went running every morning and I was delighted when he got back, waking up with a cup of tea beside the bed. I tried to join him once, but he was much better at waking up than I was. I had barely opened my eyes before he got bored of waiting for me after 10 minutes encouragement and left.

Things were getting comfortable. There was no denying the chemistry between us.

My meeting with Lauren came and went Wednesday morning. She didn’t have much to say in the ten-minutes we were together. She seemed nonchalant about the whole thing, clearly having been through the same routine a thousand times before. It made me more determined to make sure this was her last new school.

Friday morning came round. I cancelled and rescheduled my doctor’s appointment first thing, feigning a stomach bug. Then, not long after lunch, VP and I made it to the clubhouse.

Rocco arrived whilst VP locked his bike away and the president death stared me as I waited by the entrance. He was the last person I wanted to see. A little hesitant, I entered the clubhouse with VP and was pleasantly surprised by the throng of people there to see us off. The togetherness of it all was comforting.

Now, sitting at the bar, various members share a beer with us and swap stories and advice for our trip in Australia. They're all excited that it's my first trip to the other side of the world. But the time for take-off is fast approaching, and it’s time for us to say our goodbyes.

“Now, you will look after my boy, won’t you, Mads?” Mandy, Dennis the road captain’s wife says. She must be in her fifties wearing tight jeans with heels, a low-cut top and denim jacket. Her hair is beautifully quaffed, giving off serious Stevie Nicks vibes. She rubs VP’s back and it’s clear she cares for him how a mother would if their child was travelling to the other side of the world.

I shift in my seat with a smile, VP’s hand on my leg tightens. “You okay babe?” he asks. I lean forwards kissing his lips lightly.

“I just need the loo before we go.”

“Okay, I’ll wait here.”

He kisses the top of my head before I drop off my stool, turning and walking away. Just through the door to the ladies', I look back to see Travis joining VP, grabbing and jostling him like good mates do.

Finishing up, I wash my hands and check myself in the mirror. I already look tired, and the longest part of my day hasn’t even begun. My eyes are surrounded with black bags, and my cheeks are colourless.

Outside of the bathroom, I’m suddenly face to face with the Rippers MC President. He glares at me as his bald head reflects the ceiling spotlights. He looks much older than the last time I saw him. Probably in his sixties, the wrinkles on his face create waves under his eyes towards his cheeks. His fluffy beard, no longer just stubble, is a mixture of grey and black hair, stemming from his ears to his collar bone.

He takes a big breath in, chest expanding massively, which shows how broad his shoulders really are. He takes a step towards me.

Trembling slightly, I step back and bump into the wall. He seems to check himself, raising his hand to rub his head and then run through his beard.

He’s thinking.

I look over to VP and see him caught up in conversation with Travis, all eyes on the two of them as they roar with laughter at something one of them said. I could easily shout, and VP would hear me, but I guess Rocco knows that and isn’t about to risk anything that would cause attention. Still, I can’t help the sense of fear in my bones.

He leans in closer, towering over me, until his hot, harsh breath touches my face and neck. Rocco moves his hand from his beard to the wall beside me, in what comes across as relaxed, but could turn threatening at any moment. He knows how not to make a scene, while still being an incredibly intimidating presence. He’s in control without having to openly show it.

The tattoo of the woman on his arm stares at me from his skin. She looks familiar, but I can’t place her. The rose she carries turns away from me, as he twists his forearm from my line of sight. “Madison Reed. Or is it still MadisonHarding?” His voice is deep, gruff and I know it’s not a real question.

How does he know about my divorce?He must have looked into my past or has someone keeping tabs on me.

I don’t want to be here anymore. My heart starts smashing into my chest, the tips of my fingers tingling with fear. Having to open to my mouth to get more air in, my ears prickle, tears clouding my vision.

“Once you two get back from your trip,” he says slowly, menacingly, “I want you gone. Do you understand?” I close my eyes at the request and feel the tears threatening to spill out over my cheeks. Rocco leans in closer. “Answer me.”