“Can I convince you to stay in bed with me?”
He smiles, turning my head with his hand so I’m looking at him. Rolling on top of me, he licks his lips before placing them on mine.
His phone then pings again. “Fuck's sake.”
He leans down, grabbing it out from his jeans.
“Where do you have to be today?” I ask. He kisses my forehead as he rolls off, reading his phone.
“I have to meet with someone before church. Then I’ll be free this afternoon.”
“Red?” I ask. I won’t let him forget about telling her.
He sighs. “No, not her. It’s nothing for you to worry about babe.” Reluctantly he pulls the covers back to get out of bed. “What are you doing today?” he asks.
“I was going to call Jess, see what she’s up to later before your party.” I shift under the covers, snuggling down, watching him as he dresses.
“We don’t have to go,” he shrugs.
I push to my elbow, watching him pull up his jeans. “It’s a party,foryou.”
“Mads, it’s an excuse for the lads to have a few beers and play poker. It doesn’t matter whether I go or not.”
“Whatever you want. We did tell Travis we’d go though.”
He drops his head smiling. “I’ll pick you up at five?” He throws on his cut and walks to the bed leaning over me. I nod as he kisses me goodbye and then leaves.
I hear the door close, shortly followed by the familiar rumble of his bike as he rides away. I pick up my phone to let Jess know to come over after she’s finished work.
What should I do next? My first day in my new, virtually empty flat.Myflat. All mine. No sharing with anyone else. This is my space and mine alone.
After organising my kitchen with the few bits VP had bought, I make a quick trip to the local shops for some more essentials, successfully getting all I needed, including a new diary and a planner for work. Once home, it feels therapeutic to wear my tracksuit and scrub every room to within an inch of its life.
Jess and Axl arrive after lunch. She isn’t overly pleased about the lack of things I had, same as VP, but she’s so happy for me. “You all set for later?” she asks, excited after hearing my plan.
“I think so. He said he’d pick me up at five. I’ll message him now, see where he is.”
“And you’re sure this will work?”
“I have no idea, but I can just picture his face.”
“You’d better get ready then,” she says.
Half an hour later, I apply my makeup in the mirror attached to the front of the wardrobe while Jess sits with Axl, now awake, on my bed.
“He’s going to lose his mind when he sees you, Madison.”
“That’s the plan.”
I select a push-up strapless bra that makes my breasts look much bigger underneath my dress. Not wanting to go too overboard, I choose black Dr. Martens with my black leather jacket. A gold chain and thin bracelet add a touch of colour to my outfit.
“And he didn’t want anything else. Just you.”
“Just me, in this dress, on his bike. So that’s what he’ll get.”
“What if someone sees you?” She lets out a giggle.
“Don’t make me feel more nervous than I already am. I have a dodgy tummy worrying about it.”