His eyes narrow, instantly regretting his choice of words. I don’t ask just yet. I’m in a good mood and I don’t want to ruin it.
“I don’t have many clothes suitable for the sun,” I say, grabbing more boxes.
“The less clothes the better,” he smirks lightly smacking my bum. “Come on then, show me your new place, miss independent.”
Once we’re inside, he doesn’t hold back, “Are you fucking joking?” He walks to the lounge, putting the boxes on the floor in the corner and looks around dumbfounded. “Where’s the furniture gone? The telly? Did they even leave a bed?”
I drop my boxes by the door and follow him to the bedroom. He looks angry that everything that was here is gone. I am a bit too, but I hide it better than him.
“Okay, I get the picture, you hate it. But once I’ve bought everything, it will be fine.”
“Just fine? Mads you need loads. It’s a massive inconvenience for you.”
“Yeah alright, I know.” My tone is sharp at his continuous slamming of my new, empty, lifeless home.
I walk out, heading to the car.
He follows me down and together we grab the last few remaining boxes. On the way back up to the flat, my new neighbour at number six slowly opens her door. VP walks on inside mine without noticing.
I stop and smile. “Hello? I’m Madison, your new neighbour.”
“Thought I heard some commotion.” The lady, looking around my age, smiles at me. “I’m Kat, nice to meet you.” I take her hand in my free one. She’s tall, extremely pretty with long hair like mine.
“Have you lived here long?” I ask.
“Five years. Me and my boyfriend live here. Have you seen the views out back yet?”
“Yes, it's very beautiful up here. Totally different to where I’m from.”
“Was going to say, you don’t sound local."
“No, I’m from down south, my sister lives up here. I’m recently getting over a divorce so decided to move up and work nearer to her.” I’m not one to overshare, but it feels good to just say it without feeling like I’m falling apart all over again.
VP appears at my door and Kat’s eyes widen. She scans them over his entire body, audibly breathing in. “Mads?” he asks, staring at the woman eyeing him up.
“Dean, this is Kat.” He looks at Kat who’s still staring. He nods his chin to her and speaks in his sexy voice, knowing exactly what he’s doing.
“Nice to meet you.”
“Kat, this is Dean. My boyfriend.” His eyes find me, visibly enjoying that I said that.
“Hi, I’m Kat,” she stammers, lost in her own thoughts.
“Yeah, I got that,” he grins. “I’ll give you two a minute.” Laughing to himself, he turns back inside my flat.
“That’s one way to get over a divorce,” Kat says, making me laugh.
“Well, hopefully I’ll see you round?”
“Yeah, hope you get settled in okay. Let me know if you ever fancy a coffee sometime.”
“I will, thanks. Bye.” I walk through my door and kick it shut behind me. It slams a little too loud.
“Where’s your bed sheets, I’ll make the bed for you.” A little ashamed, I admit I don’t have any. VP stretches his lips across his face, yet again disappointed at the lack of… anything, and that I haven’t just moved in with him.
But I’m resolute. This is my place and I get to make it 100 percent my own this way. VP scratches the back of his head. “I need to pop out for a few hours—”
“But you only just got here?” I cut him off, my heart panging with the feeling of loneliness again.