“You smell so good.” He smiles, grabbing torches and other things ready for the oncoming evening.
“Here, take these.” He passes me two chairs and blankets. “Put them where you want, I’ll grab the cool box.”
I set the chairs up near to the fire.
We’re soon eating burgers, drinking wine and beer and laughing together. As the light fades, VP moves his chair closer to mine, sharing the big fleece blanket that he brought. “Life couldn’t get much better than this,” he says, putting his arm round my shoulder.
“It is pretty perfect,” I say, letting out a big yawn and leaning my head on his shoulder. “I could go to sleep right here.”
“You can sleep, babe.”
“Don’t tempt me.” I stretch out my arms. I need to move otherwise I’ll be gone. “I’ll make some tea if you want one?”
VP smiles. “The water needs filling up, you sure you can manage that by yourself?” Considering the water tap is far away and there’s no light, I most definitely will not manage that myself.
“How about you fill it and I’ll make the brews when you come back?”
He looks radiant in the fire’s glow as his lips stretch across his face. “Okay.” He stands, stretching his limbs.
Annoyingly, my tummy cramps painfully from out of nowhere. “I don’t suppose you brought a hot water bottle with you?” I ask.
“No babe, why, you really that cold?”
“I’m cold, but I don’t need it for that.” He stops, looking down at me with a blank look. “It’s, girl stuff.”
“You, okay?” He looks like a deer in the headlights.
“I’m fine,” I convince him with a smile. “Must be that time.” I try to emphasise my meaning without straight up saying it.
I get little to no warning with my cycles. It’s either there, or it’s not. Then when it comes, after a day or two, it’s gone again. I should be grateful really, but I have nothing with me… perhaps I’ll get lucky and it will hold off until we’re home.
A slight dawning enters his eyes. “Oh…oh. Okay, I’ll go get the water.”
Once he’s gone, I check the time on his phone that’s left on the chair. At the same time it pings in my hand. Unable not to see it on the lock screen, there’s a message from 'Red' that pops up.
Red: Where are you Dean? It’s Saturday, you never miss a Saturday? X
I chuck his phone back down on the chair. Getting out of my seat feeling all hot and bothered, I fumble around in the cool box for the milk in what little light is left. I close the lid clicking it shut and stand walking to the fire to warm my hands.
I hear VP’s phone ping again.
Every part of me wants to look at the screen. I try to push any feelings I have about their past relationship to the back of mind. “Water,” he says, returning a few minutes later.
“Your phone went off whilst you left. I had it in my hand when it pinged, sorry,” I say quickly, not acknowledging him properly.
“Who was it?” He fills the kettle, before sitting it on the gas hob he brought with him.
“It was Red.” He doesn’t seem shocked.
I slump back into my chair, covering myself with the blanket. “Okay,” is all he says.
“Just, okay?”
“Mads, I told you, she thinks me and her are more than just employer and employee.”
“I didn’t mean to read it, but she said you’re always there Saturday. Does she mean with her?”
A smirk crosses his face. “No. She means at the clubhouse. Why, do I detect jealousy?” He walks over, bending down to place his hands on the arm rests of my chair.