“Well, you were rude.” I start pushing the trolley again.
“I’m rude? The guy just asked you out for drinks in front of me.”
“He was being nice. You know, like most people try to be,” I huff, rolling my eyes at his irrational behaviour.
“He wants to fuck you.” I stop walking.
“VP stop, you’re being ridiculous.”
“Not ridiculous, I just don’t like the idea of someone else hitting on my girl, that’s all.” I shake my head dramatically as he leans past me, picking up some cheese and placing it in the trolley. “But if it makes you feel better, next time we see him, I’ll shake his hand.” He walks on and I turn with my eyes scrunched looking at him.
“You’re being sarcastic, aren’t you?”
“No shit Sherlock,” he laughs.
“VP, seriously?” I push the trolley to where he stands. “You didn’t get weird when the guy behind the bar, the prospect, called me darlin’.”
“Yeah, because I know him. I don’t know Alex, therefore, I don’t trust him.”
“But you know me.”
His hand pauses mid-stretch towards the milk. Looking at me out the corner of his eye, he drops his arm to his side and he sighs. Turning on the spot, he walks to me, cupping my face in his hands.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I will try to fight the urge to stab him in the throat the next time I see him.” He looks down to me, placing a kiss on my forehead before he pulls away.
Thirty minutes later, we arrive back at VP’s house after grabbing the food we need for camping. “Wine?” he asks from the kitchen as he unpacks everything.
“Yes please.” He opens the bottle, pouring the wine into a tumbler glass before cracking open a beer for himself with his teeth.
“Sorry, no wine glasses here,” he says as he passes my drink.
“That’s fine,” I smile.
“You want to eat now or later?” There’s a suggestion in his voice. The anticipation of what I’ve got planned has built since the shops. He walks to the backdoor, unlocking it.
“Later?” I say, biting my nail between my teeth.
His lips stretch across his face, knowing I want him. “I’ll have a quick smoke.” He steps outside onto the patio.
Grabbing my phone from my jacket, I take my tumbler of wine with me, practically racing up the stairs to my bag. I snatch my things, before running to the bathroom and lock the door behind me.
Taking off my clothes quickly, the excitement in me is growing, and I put on my LBD. Freshening myself up and downing my wine, I then brush my teeth and sort out my mane. I let it down from the ponytail I’ve had in all day and sweep it all over to one side, hiding the massive kink through the middle.
It will have to do.
I hear his feet on the stairs, but he goes into a different room. Heart thumping, I tread lightly to the top and make it down without him seeing me. Once in the kitchen again, I down another half glass of wine and hear VP eventually make his way downstairs as well.
His breath hitches as he steps into the kitchen. “Mads.” He can hardly talk.
I slowly turn towards him, bending one knee across the other. My hands hold the counter behind me. The black suspenders I dragged over my arse are visible due to the ridiculous length of the dress. My braless breasts show my erect nipples.
Like the first night we met, his eyes trail from my ankles, up over my legs, to my breasts, stopping at my face. “You look beautiful, babe.”
I smile, walking towards him slowly, gently swaying my hips and keeping my eyes on his. Trying not to think about what I’m doing; my natural instincts just take over. I stretch to my tip toes to kiss his neck. His smell acts like fuel to the fire, but my touches and kisses remain slow.
I slip his leather off his shoulders and place it on the chair at the table. His eyes double-take and stay fixed to it, his breathing quickening ever so slightly. I follow his gaze and remember what he told me about finding his dad.
I take his hand in mine, leading him to the lounge where he’ll be more comfortable. I stop near the sofa.