“Do you think she saw me as we drove past?”
“Well, she’ll undoubtedly message if there’s a problem.”
I don’t know how to feel about him and Red or what might happen the further things get, so I focus on the camping trip and what we’ll need. “Food,” I say. “We need to grab food for tomorrow.”
“Where’d you want to go?”
“I don’t mind, wherever you fancy.” I turn in my seat, grabbing my phone out of my jacket pocket.
“I don’t mind either. You pick one.”
“I don’t know what’s up here. I’ve only lived here four days. You decide.”
“Is that all it’s been? Four days? Fuck.”
“Yep.” I turn my head to him. “Feels like I’ve known you a lot longer than the five or six weeks that it’s been too.”
He lifts my hand off his leg, placing a kiss across my knuckles. “Best five or six weeks so far.”
VP holds my hand until we arrive at the shops. Before we get there, I message mum, including Jess and Bex in the message. Knowing Bex wouldn’t probably be able to make it, I invite them all anyway to my little move-in party the weekend before I start my new job. It gives Bex enough time to settle into her new house and enough time for me to get over the jet lag I’ll undoubtedly have after our return from Australia.
“Right, what do you fancy?” VP asks at the shops.
“Apart from you?”
“My girl, at it again.” He makes me giggle as he wraps his arm around me, pushing the trolley.
“What about something we can microwave tonight, pancakes for breakfast and burgers over a campfire tomorrow?” He looks a little disgusted at me. “What?” I ask, not understanding what’s wrong with any of those suggestions.
“Microwave? Mads, you can cook right?”
“Yeah, I can. I just, have other things planned for later.”
His eyes light up. “You do?” He squeezes me, kissing me below my ear. I have to push him away.
“You’ll have to wait.” He bites my neck making me moan near the milk aisle.
“I could fuck you right here Mads,” he whispers. I could let him, considering I’m owed an orgasm today.
“Please, don’t.” He laughs sadistically.
Feeling jelly legged, I don’t pay attention to where I’m going. Our trolley bumps into the back of a man innocently minding his own business. As he turns, he smiles at me. “Alex, shit. I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying any attention,” I say when I recognise him. VP’s hand instantly tightens around my waist.
“Mads.” Alex extends his hand for me to shake. Placing my hand in his, I can feel the tension radiating off VP.
“Alex, this is Dean,” I introduce him, hoping to alleviate the tension a bit. “Dean, this is Alex, my line manager,” I remind him.
“Dean, hi, nice to meet you.” Alex offers his hand for VP to take. Which VP doesn’t. Alex looks at me before turning back to VP. “We’re all very excited for Mads to start working with us,” he says, putting his hands in his pockets.
“I bet you are.” My pulse fades at VP's rude tone. I can’t believe he’s acting this way.
“Alex, I had an email from Vivian saying we should do a hand over before I start.”
“Yes, sorry I haven’t replied yet. We can meet in the office or go for a drink, if you wanted something more casual?” VP’s temples twitch in the corner of my eye. “Handover in a less intense setting is better for our own mental health. Sometimes our cases can be quite daunting. It’s nice to not always be so formal,” Alex goes on.
“I’ll email and let you know?” VP’s grip round my waist virtually cuts off my blood supply down one side of my body.
“Sounds great. Look forward to hearing from you.” Alex turns, walking away. I let out the breath that I was unaware I'd been holding in.