Time: 16:00
Date: 12/09
From:[email protected]
Good afternoon Madison,
I hope this email finds you well.
Would you be available to meet our newest young adult? You may remember some of the details from the meeting we had. Her name is Lauren, she’s 15 and new to the area. Previously from Yorkshire, she’s been moved due to a school exclusion. She’ll be starting at the secondary school in Clitheroe on Monday. That allows her time to settle before you start working with us. Until you start, Alex will council her. I’d suggest the two of you liaise and organise a meeting before he hands over?
Madison, I know you are new to this role, but Lauren I think will really warm to you, given time. There is a history of abuse that you need to be aware of, but I’m sure you will be able to handle this. Meeting has been arranged for 16that 10am at the office.
If you have any questions, please contact me or Alex.
Kindest regards,
The email leaves me a little speechless. I knew my role would be challenging but I feel ill-equipped to work with a child who’s seen abuse. I email her back confirming the date and copy Alex in, so he knows to contact me before I start. “You okay now?” VP asks, walking into the lounge.
“Just had an email from Vivian, my new boss. I’ve got to meet with Alex and the new girl I’ll be working with.”
“Alex a man?” I look at him. He can’t be serious.
“Yes, Alex is a man. He’s also my line manager. Why, is that a problem?”
“It isn’t. So long as Alex knows you’re mine.”
“Yours?” I ask stunned.
“Mine.” He eyes me deadly seriously.
“Control freak.” Unperturbed by his outright possessiveness, VP sits down next to me.
“When do you have to meet the girl?”
“Urm, sixteenth at ten o’clock.” I shake my head still fascinated by what he just said.
“That’s the day after the party.”
“There’s a party at the clubhouse,” he says like I knew about it.
“It’s what you do when you have a birthday.” He’s looking at me, with gorgeous soft eyes.
“It’s your birthday?”
“On the fifteenth, yes.”
“VP, you should have said.”
“It’s no big deal. I never go.”