“It kind of is,” I say with a smile, trying to lighten the mood. “Can I help in anyway?” She moves to the sofa, slumping down.
“Max will just have to take the day off, it’s fine.”
“I can have Axl?”
“Madison, it’s on Monday, your move-in day,” she says.
“I have barely anything to move. It won’t take long. I can watch Axl in the morning, then move my stuff in the afternoon. Does that help?”
“Well, yes. I’d probably only be there until eleven anyway. Are you sure? Is it not too much?”
“I can help too?” VP pipes up from behind me.
I turn, smiling curiously at him.
“You’ll help me babysit?”
“I’ll help you babysitand move. Although, I still say you should have stayed with me.”
My eyes widen as I look back at Jess. She raises her eyebrow at me inquisitively. “Whilst I’m grateful for your offer, we already talked about this.” He closes his eyes, shaking his head slightly. My mind races wildly at the prospect of babysitting with him. “Are you good with kids? What about your work?”
“You’ll be there and I’ll work Tuesday, Mads. It's fine.”
“Yes,” he says laughing and walks towards me.
Axl waddles to VP’s legs just as he’s about to kiss me. He claps his fingers to his palms as he lifts his favourite elephant cuddly toy with the other hand to VP.
“That for me, lad?” VP bends down, showing exaggerated interest in what Axl’s trying to give him and picks him up. “Elephants are my favourite too,” he says.
Axl extends his arms, wrapping them around VP’s neck. VP stands holding him like an expert. “Guess you’d be just fine on your own,” Jess says, and my ovaries ache as I watch him.
“So that’s sorted then. Monday we’ll hang out, fella. Tomorrow I’m taking your aunty camping,” VP says then puts Axl back down near his toys.
“Camping? That sounds exciting. Hey, remember when a mouse got into our tent in France? Mum and dad didn’t believe you. Told you to stop whinging, then it got in my sleeping bag and I ran out of the tent screaming—"
“—Everyone came out and caught you with your pants down!” I laugh, and she laughs back.
VP smiles at the two of us.
“Ah good times... anyway, should I put the kettle on?” Jess asks, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye.
“Go on then. I need to pack a bag for the next few nights.”
VP moves back to Axl, sitting on the sofa near him and his toys. Halfway up the stairs I shout back to Jess, “Can I borrow your fleece and big socks? I don’t want to be cold at night.”
“I’m pretty sure you won’t be getting cold,” she says from the doorway to the lounge. I give her a death stare as VP’s shoulders move up and down.
“I won’t let you get cold Mads,” he laughs.
“See,” Jess smirks. I can feel my cheeks flush as they both laugh.
The dynamics here are all off. The two of them ganging up on me. I’m not used to it, although it is nice to be with someone Jess likes for a change.
She hated Chris, couldn’t stand to be in the same room as him. The turning point was my thirtieth birthday party. Bex had thrown me a surprise bash with all my friends and family, except dad who wouldn’t go if mum went. After an hour I was being sick, having drunk too much vodka. Chris said we had to leave. Apparently, I was embarrassing myself. I was, but I was with everyone who loved me, so what did it matter?
Jess overheard me asking if I could stay, then charged into the ladies' toilets. She virtually ripped his head off, tearing him a new one over his lack of consideration that it was my birthday, and everyone had gone out of their way to celebrate with me, except for him. They never spoke after that. Unless you count her departing text message to him when he left me, ‘I hope you die in a ditch somewhere’ as communication.