I think back to family holidays with my mum and dad. “Camping.”
“Camping?” He looks confused, almost stunned. “Seriously?”
“Yeah.” He’s still looking at me like I’m full of shit. “We camped every year as kids. Staying up late, eating marshmallows around the campfire. It was great fun. Do you not like camping?”
“Same as you. Used to go most years as a kid, before my mum died,” he looks down briefly, before looking back up. “Me and my old man would get a bit of fishing in there too.”
Oh no. Not fishing.
“Don’t you find fishing boring?” I ask.
“No. Could sit there all day by the lake. Plenty of beers and food. No one to talk to. Unless you were there of course, I’d talk to you,” he smiles.
“Sorry, VP. It isn’t for me.” I raise an awkward eyebrow.
“So, you wouldn’t ever fancy coming with me?” he says, his hand under the table stroking my knee.
“And sit staring at water all day… I’m good.”
“I bet I could make you love it,” he chimes, winking at me.
“How?” I ask seriously.
He smirks before licking his bottom lip. “I’ll keep you entertained with my cock whilst waiting for the fish to bite.”
I cough noticing the waiter stood over us with our drinks. VP didn’t even attempt to lower his voice. The blush on the waiter’s cheeks makes it obvious he heard again.
“You did that on purpose,” I say embarrassed, taking a sip of my water as the waiter walks away.
“Couldn’t resist,” he laughs, and that gorgeous smile of his stretches across his face.The waiter reluctantly returns with two plates of food. He plonks them down on the table then turns quickly away from us.
After a short silence, apart from the quiet noises of us eating, VP says, “So, camping, shall we go for a night somewhere?”
“Can you get the time off, from the club?”
“It’s not an office job Mads, it’s a club. I’ll let the lads know I’ll be away for a night. We don’t have to go too far.”
“I’d like that. I don’t have any camping gear though.”
“I have a few bits in the loft, you can help me get them down when we get back.”
Oh god I hate going in lofts. Or any dark, creepy places for that matter. “Where will we go?” I ask.
“Leave it with me. I’ve got a good idea in mind. You happy to go tomorrow?”
“I can do. Why the rush?”
“No rush. Just want to enjoy every minute I can with you, Mads.”
I smile and offer, “I’ll grab us some food in the morning?”
“We’ll go together. Stop at mine tonight? We can swing by your sister's, grab you some stuff?”
“It’s another date,” I flirt and he winks at me, his eyes not leaving mine as he takes another mouthful of food.
Roughly forty minutes later, we walk south towards the pier, passing casinos and arcades, full to the brim with people and families.
VP takes my hand in his whilst we walk.