Page 42 of Straight to Me

“Mads, who says I'm going to get in trouble? I don’t have work today, I’m free. I’ll just check in with the lads later.”

“I thought the club was your work. You mean, you have a normal job as well?”

“I have to earn money,” he smirks.

Yeah, sure. I bet he really needs a job to help with his income. Although looking at what he has, his house is so minimal, maybe he does need a normal job.

“What do you do?”

“I’m a painter and decorator. I work a few days a week.” He takes a sip of his tea before looking at me. “I apprenticed when I lived in Australia.”

I knew his accent was a soft northern one, his living down under explains why. “Australia? Why the hell did you leave and come back here?”

He pauses, for far too long, staring at a picture on the wall. Following his eyes, I assume it’s of him when he was younger. He’s stood with another boy of a similar age. Both are smiling at the camera, one arm wrapped around the other boy. I shouldn’t have asked.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to pry.”

He focuses on me. “Don’t apologise. It’s just a story for another time. I didn’t plan on coming back.” Our eyes meet, his expression seems relieved. “But I’m glad I did.”

I place my mug on the bedside table then shimmy my way to him at the end of the bed, taking the cover with me to cover my naked body. Placing my hand on his stubbly cheek I lightly kiss his lips. Our eyes never break contact.

“I’m glad you did too.”

He smiles and I can’t help run my eyes over his body. I notice how sculpted he truly is. His muscles aren’t excessive, but they sit prominent on his body. There are a few scars, but his strong arms are mostly covered in a cocktail of tattoos. A small one sayingMumhas a date underneath. My heart aches for his loss. Judging by the year, he was only young when it happened.

“You’ve had a hard life, haven’t you VP?” I’m beginning to understand him more each time we’re together, but I want to know more.

“It’s been rough,” he pauses, looking away before his eyes meet mine again, “but it’s looking better now.”

Eyes locked, he sees me. I see him.

“Are you just saying that?” I ask, self-doubt creeping into my mind.

“I don’t just say things, Mads. I’m serious.” I feel the same. But we’ve known each other little over a month and only seen each other a handful of times in that period. Sure, it’s not all because of him that things are getting better for me, but he’s a large part of it.

“VP I—”

“Mads, don’t over think this,” he cuts me off. “It’s crazy, but all I know is, you’re here and I’d like you to stay.”

I smile at him, relieved we’re on the same page. VP stands off the bed and picks up my clothes off the floor. Last night I hadn’t paid any attention to where they were thrown. I watch as he then piles them neatly on a chair in the corner of his room.

When he’s done, he walks back to me and places a light kiss on my lips. “I’ll make some breakfast,” he says, before turning and walking out the room, closing the door behind him. I’m not sure what I was expecting sleeping with a biker. But he continues to surpass every expectation I have.

Chapter Fourteen

The luscious smell of bacon coming from downstairs makes my tummy whine as I bunny sniff the air towards the kitchen. VP’s still bare-chested with his back to me as I enter to find him cooking at the hobs. The sight of him stops me in my tracks. His body truly is a work of art. My phone rings from my bag making me jump.

VP turns, startled. “Sorry,” I say with a chuckle as I find my phone and answer. “Hello?”

“Mrs Harding?”

“It’s not Harding. It’s Reed, Miss Reed.”

Bollocks. No doubt he heard me correct my surname. I move to the lounge to take the call in private.

“Apologies, Miss Reed. It’s Michelle at Black’s Letting. You requested to view a property in Clitheroe?”

Finally. “I did, thanks for getting back to me.”