Refusing to turn around in case anyone saw that little spectacle, I sigh in sheer relief when I get into the cubicle and lock the door. My head hurts as I pull my knickers down and let what feels like a lifetime of tension release from my body.
I’m still sitting a couple of minutes later, lost in my own thoughts. Just when I thought my life couldn't be anymore muddled, a handsome biker makes my relocating a little bit more appealing. I know it's ridiculous, considering it was such a brief encounter, but I certainly felt lost in him.
Never has a man made my brain spin like it is now. Maybe I’ve drunk too much, or maybe it’s just a concussion from hitting my head so hard, but there’s something about him that’s captured my interest. A small part of me wonders whether I’ll see him when I make my way back up to the bar.
The women sharing the cubicle beside mine start entertaining me with their conversation. One describes in vivid detail, all the things she’d do to the gentleman upstairs. I don’t know whom they’re talking about until her friend mentions the ‘biker boys’ and I know they’re talking abouthim. A quiet laugh escapes me as she then proceeds to describe all the things she wants him to do to her. I squeeze my legs together. Amen sister, amen.
Back up in the bar I feel more like myself and pull out my phone to read a text.
Bex: Were r u? got us drink bt cant see u! im out the front with mitch, cn you beluve he’s actualy our?
Managing, with difficulty, to decipher her message, I put my phone away and let out a sigh. Any hopes I had of seeing the handsome biker again are suddenly diminished. I rub small circles over my temples with my fingers and tell myself itwillbe okay; itwillbe okay. I’ll find Bex, avoid Mitch if possible, and leave as quickly as my sore, aching feet will allow.
Mitch is a short, dumpy man for his age who used to hang around with us during our college days, even though he didn’t attend the same school as us. Everyone found him hilarious with his slightly offensive jokes, but he always made me cringe.
He likes to bring up this time we ‘kissed’ at a party to show off, but conveniently leaves out the part where I put him on his arse and embarrassed him in front of everyone. Bex and Kyle tease me about it, but they know I would never have kissed him, no matter how drunk I was.
I walk into the fresh air and inhale deeply, allowing my lungs to get their fill. Wrapping my arms around me, I rub my bare skin to create some sort of friction as I look around for Bex. People start laughing up ahead, which catches my attention. Urgh. Creepy little Mitch and someone I don’t know is talking to her. I rub my temples again and let out a huff before starting towards them.
“There she fucking is!” Bex shouts a little moodily, her language always made worse by alcohol.
“Sorry, I got held up in the ladies'.”By a sexy, rugged biker who almost made me orgasm with one look.
The same cannot be said for the tool of a man stepping closer to me with his head cocked to one side, his short arms open wide, ready to embrace me. I dodge his touch like a ninja on speed and grab Bex by the hand.
Mitch shrugs it off, but his eyes are burning when he looks at me. He taps his unfamiliar friend and starts his usual, “Have I ever told you about the time Madison and I—"
“—Got drunk and I threw him to the ground like the complete twat that he is!” I aggressively declare to his friend, shocking even myself at how annoyed I am.
“Madison! Sorry Mitch,” Bex says. I notice her glaring at me as she apologises on my behalf, although I’m not sure why.
I turn around, puffing my chest out defiantly, waiting for her to read my mood and say we can go home. “Have you been to the new club down near my office, Bex?” Mitch asks without acknowledging me.
“Not yet. Although Kyle said the Guinness is the best he’s tasted.”
“Well, we’re heading there now if you care to join us? My pal here can get us in for free.”
Urgh, that old line. Offer anything for free and people always feel like they’re winning a grand prize. “It’s fine, thanks for the offer. But we need to get back now,” I say speaking more politely, tugging her hand in my direction.
“Bex?” is all he says, still not acknowledging me.
This must be his way of punishing me.
Flitting her eyes between me and Mitch, I already know the answer. She hasn’t seen him for a few years, so she’ll choose him. Not because she usually ditches her friends, but because it’s her weekend, so she can do what she likes.Those are the rules. Plus, she’s already stayed in the Cathedral Bar longer than she’d like. She knows that I know that’s what she’s thinking, so I simply put my hand out to her.
She places a twenty in my hand and kisses me on the cheek. Sighing loudly so she can hear my grumpiness, I kiss her back, telling her to be safe. Not that she needs to hear that. She can absolutely hold her own.
I’ve seen her take down a six-foot, one-hundred-and-forty-pound man when he called her a bitch for rebuffing him. That prick had no clue what happened to him. She broke his nose with one punch, getting us kicked out of the nightclub. Fortunately, he didn’t press charges. I’m guessing menreallydon’t like being shown up by women.
Chapter Four
Balancing against a wall where I can wait for a taxi, I unbuckle my shoes and smile widely as my bare soles hit the ice-cold pavement. I take one welcomed step forward before a shooting pain strikes the bottom of my big toe. Hobbling to the nearest bench facing away from the queue, I inspect the source of the pain.
A large, sharp piece of glass sticks out of my skin. It’s throbbing already, with a small trickle of blood running down the side of my foot. Not massively fazed by blood, I yank the foreign object out and give my foot a little massage. Even though I should, I won’t be putting those shoes on again tonight.
Waiting in the line, I spot a row of Harley Davidsons all lined up perfectly at the bus stop across the road. I shake my head at their total lack of respect for public transport, and in the same moment my thighs burn again, making me flush. I have to look down and play with the cash in my hand to distract myself.