Page 23 of Straight to Me

Her eyes won’t stop moving, her breathing quickening as she continues, “Kyle called them, asked if the house was still free. The estate agent said it was ours, but we had to decide there and then. Whilst you were in bed yesterday, we decided to go for it. Madison, I feel so shit, but the estate agent said we can move in two weeks."

Tears start falling from both our eyes as she tells me we won’t be living together anymore.Two weeks?We knew this day was coming; the plan was always for me to move closer to my family once they'd found the right house. I just figured we'd have more time.

I swear she looks like she thinks she’s the evilest person on the planet. She’s anything but. I know she’s stressing more about me and what I’m going to do, and whilst I'll have to pull my finger out my arse, my best friend is about to start the next chapter of her life and I couldn’t be happier for her.

“Bex,” I start, facing her with my arms on hers, “you’ve been there for me, through thick and thin. Through the happy times and, more lately, the really shit times. What kind of friend would I be if I got angry at you for living your life?”

“Are you sure?”

She grabs a tissue out of her pocket to blow her nose forcefully as I speak. “Of course, I am. You'll be a great mum Bex, I'm going to miss you so much.”

"I'll miss you too, but best believe I'll be visiting you regularly and seeing that gorgeous nephew of yours, and I can help with house searching, you know that."

We stand in the kitchen crying and laughing at ourselves. A moment later, Kyle walks through the door. Two emotional women before him. “You told her then,” he says nervously.

“Yeah, she’s cool,” Bex says, moving to hug him whilst giving me a wink. Relief now engulfing her soft features.

I’m so pleased for them both, but seeing everything fall into place for them, my heart starts failing at the thought of having to find somewhere to live so fast. “Madison,” Bex says, making me look to her and not the floor. She can see my panic.

“It will be fine. I’m good,” I tell her.

Kyle nods before heading to get his food out the oven. “That’s that then. It’s happening,” he says clapping his hands together. Bex and I look at each other again. We’ve loved living together. Yes, the last three months have been rough, but it’s now all coming to an end.

“Promise me something?” Bex walks over to me, her eyes seem entranced. “Promise me that you will do what you want to do and not over think or complicate it. One ending can be another beginning. Just message him.”

A little cliché, but I will. “I promise.”

“Do it now so that you can tell me what he says when he replies.”

“Ifhe replies,” I correct her. I wouldn't blame him if he didn't.

“He will. I just know it.”

We tidy up the kitchen together before Kyle grabs a shower and Bex starts searching for removal companies. They’ll have no trouble; her family are all close by, they’ll no doubt muck in to help her if she can’t find someone on such short notice.

I take my wine upstairs and have a big gulp before opening up a message to VP.

Me: VP, how are you?

I hit send and my heart drops like I’ve just walked naked into a room and everyone’s looking at me. I decide not to watch for the wiggling dots.Play it cool Mads. My bedside table seems like the best place to leave my phone whilst I don’t obsess about him replying.

An hour later and two episodes into a TV drama, my phone pings. I turn into a bundle of nerves. I move slowly towards it with my eyes semi shut, only to see Jess’s name on the screen.

Jess: Hey. Bex just messaged to say she’s pregnant and that the move is now set! That’s great news! Have you found somewhere yet? You’re welcome to stay with me until you do. How are things with you anyway? x

Me: Hey you. Yeah I'm good. It's great news, I'm so happy for them. How are you? How’s Axl? No I haven't found anywhere to live yet, are you sure it's okay to stay with you? I don't want to intrude x

Jess: We’re all good! Yes! You’re welcome here whenever. You won't be intruding x

Me: You sure? x

Jess: Yes of course, just let me know when. Anyway, tell me all about what happened with the biker x

How does she know about VP?Bloody Bex.

Me: What did Bex say?

Jess: Only you'd met someone x