Page 20 of Straight to Me

As if kicking into another gear, he quickens his pace, the sound of his hips hitting me echoing around us. My back’s being pushed higher and higher up the wall, my heart rate reaching a dizzying new level as I chase my release.

Feeling my orgasm getting closer, I squeeze my legs tight around him, begging for more and I arch my back, pushing my breasts forwards. VP lifts up my t-shirt, squeezing and kissing each one in turn.

With another solid drive he sends me over the edge and I come hard around him, moaning loudly as my hands squeeze the leather on his back. I bury my head in the crook of his neck as my muscles spasm on my way down, my body shaking against his.

Slowing only briefly, he lifts my chin to look at him.

Those eyes. They search mine, checking I'm okay as my breath begins to steady. Sliding his hand to the side of my face, I lean forwards placing my lips on his, then he starts thrusting his hips once again.

He’s building. Each knock, each drive that he makes, he lands with precision. I can’t take my eyes off him. The sight of him working towards his climax stirs the deep feeling within me once again, the sensation humming between my thighs.

VP clenches his teeth together as his eyes find mine. He keeps moving his hips, squeezing my bum when he pushes forward. I meet his thrusts, each time crying out on a gasp of air.

Tightening his grip on me as he penetrates me with force and rhythm, I feel his cock lengthen, turning rigid inside me.

The pleasure within me is quickly rising and I know I’m going to come again. With a loud moan, I pull at his hair, making him stiffen. He comes undone, unravelling and sending me over the edge with him.

VP holds me, letting his breath slow into my chest. My hands stroke over his hair, moving his head to look at me. We stay like this, eyes fixed.

I feel like I’m waking from a pretend sleep, suddenly seeing him for the first time.

He’s beautiful.

The corners of his mouth twitch, his eyes narrowing as he stares into my soul. We don’t move, both frozen in this moment. Only when we hear a noise from outside the door do his eyes blink, looking at the floor to my clothes.

He slowly pulls out of me, putting my feet gently on the floor.

VP then steps back, zipping up his jeans and my heart skips a dozen beats. He really is a sight to behold. I have to squeeze my legs together to stop another wave of pleasure taking over me.

“I need a minute,” I say, looking towards the toilet cubicle. He bends down to pick up my clothes and trainers, carefully handing them to me. I smile, tucking my hair behind my ear and he kisses my forehead before I walk past him.

I need to clean myself up. It’s dauntingly apparent that we just had sex in a public place. Another first for me. God, he’s giving me a weekend of firsts.

“Meet me out front?” he asks. I turn my head back, looking at him over my shoulder. “You won’t run off this time?” he asks as a cheeky smile spreads across his face.

“I’ll run straight to you,” I smile, keeping my eyes locked with his. Turning from cheeky to grateful, his face projects pure happiness. He liked hearing me say that. I close my cubicle door with my face beaming from ear to ear as I hear him exit the bathroom.

My fingers act like a hairbrush in my scatty locks. I wash my tired looking face with some warm water and readjust my clothes before walking through the bar, fully sober now. The big window at the front giving me a perfect view of him outside.

He’s waiting, having a cigarette while sitting on his bike. He was no runway model, far from it in fact, but he could be. His lush hair is ruffled even more now, courtesy of me. Those handsome features shining brightly even in the dim night sky.

It’s dark outside now, and as I stop at the door all I can do is watch him. The way he sucks his cigarette, it makes him look sexy as hell. When I finally step outside his eyes watch my every move as I walk towards him.

I cross my arms as I stop next to his bike. VP stands and holds those big arms open for me. I step into them, wrapping my arms around his leather cut as he rests his chin on my head. I steal one last intake of his scent. I know my time with him is coming to an end. “Here babe.”

Pulling away to look at what he has, he passes me the helmet from yesterday. Staring at it, I realise I still have so many unanswered questions. Questions that aren’t for now.

I accept the helmet and clip it underneath my chin. “You, okay?” he asks.

My face must give away that my mind’s racing. “I’m not sure. Things have been a bit—crazy.” He swings his leg over the bike taking his seat and I grab the corner of his cut to pull myself onto the back.

“What happened between you and that guy? Did he hurt you?”

I take a breath before speaking. “He knows someone I know. He saw me alone, bought me a glass of wine. I didn’t encourage him, I just needed the drink. I told him thanks, but I wasn’t interested in anything else. But then he said I owed him for it. He cornered me in the bathroom and put his hands on me, so I hit him. Then you showed up.”

I feel his body tense as he stares ahead. “You should have let me hurt him even more.”

“What would have been the point?”