Page 183 of Straight to Me

My eyes don’t break contact with his until the very last second, before turning to Alex. “Let her go,” I grit through my teeth.

“Come here.” Alex’s eyes blaze with certain victory as I walk towards him. “You two stay there,” he directs to VP and Mop, both ready to pounce at the first sign of an opening.

Alex’s hand slips from the side of my mum’s face. Her wet eyes are bloodshot, turned down with hopelessness. “It’s okay mum.” She doesn’t reply as she steps forward. Alex then shoves her from behind with a forceful blow to her back. She stumbles past me, falling to her hands and knees. My hand naturally tries to catch her as she falls, but Alex grabs it, pulling me away.

“Don’t!” Alex yells, firing the gun into the ground again. The loud crack in a confined space sends shock waves through my skull.

VP pauses, his face murderously locked on Alex. “Don’t try to follow us!” Alex commands, placing the gun against my temple, as his other arm wraps around my shoulders. He steps forward marginally, kicking Mop’s gun on the floor well away from anyone.

Mum crawls further away from us, sobbing and stiff with fear. VP’s face turns a dark shade of grey as he bends to help her to her feet.

“I mean it! Either one of you tries to follow and I’ll blow her brains out.”

“It will be the last fucking thing you do,” VP threatens as he stands.

Alex pulls me back keeping his eyes on VP, and my feet scrape through the blood still staining the tarmac outside. The pattering rain hits my face, dampening my clothes.

As we head towards the road, it’s only now I spot Alex’s car. He holds me tight, pulling me backwards, but lowers the gun as he fumbles in his pockets, presumably for his keys.

Roughly twenty yards away now, VP steps out from the garage doorway looking in our direction. “Stay there!” Alex’s voice sounds more frenzied, his high pitch tone shaking as he screeches, scanning the area as he continues to pull me. His chest rapidly rises and falls behind me, quickening at the sight of VP.

He’s scared.

The gun is pushed against my head again, and it digs in deeper making me flinch.

Blood-stained, unable to stand up straight, the top half of VP’s body leans slightly to his right. The sight of him reminds me of what it felt like to watch him be dragged away. Now he’s forced to watch the same with me. I can’t let Alex take me out of his sight.

The cool blade of the knife pushes against my skin beneath my sleeve.

Now’s my chance.

I lower my arm, allowing it to slide down to my palm. I take one last look at VP before Alex pulls me into the road towards his car.

The corner of VP’s mouth twitches.

When Alex stops, I jam the blade into the fleshy part of his thigh, as hard as I possibly can. His scream is ferocious. A sharp agonising noise leaves his body as he bends, clutching the protruding handle wedged in his leg.

“Mads, get down!” VP shouts.

I drop, sheltering my head with my arms. The quiet thud of Mop’s gun grips the open air again. Alex’s body folds and he hits the ground indignantly.

There’s a horrible gurgling, choking sound as blood floods his lungs. He’s drowning in his own blood. It’s so loud in the night air that I want to scream.

VP’s hands grab me to stand. He locks my body against his, holding me as I shake and shiver, the adrenaline once again being released. He checks me over and I try to steady him as he still clutches his side weakly.

In the distance, a rhythmic roar rolls closer, like thunder surfing on the clouds above. It’s sharp and tumultuous as five Harleys descend on the garages where we stand. Rocco and Travis remove their helmets quickly, pulling out their weapons as they take in the scene before them.

The air is suddenly emptied of all sound.

Rocco runs towards us, his eyes moving fast scanning my head, my arms, every inch of my body visible. He smiles, relieved at seeing I’m okay. I wonder if the sudden show of worry is because he knows I’m pregnant, withhisgrandchild apparently, or if he suddenly genuinely cares. I don’t really know what to say or how to move, still stood holding onto VP.

The lines around Rocco’s eyes relax and the way he looks at me softens. “I’m glad you’re safe, both of you.”

VP’s grip on me tightens and our heads unanimously swing to my mum being walked out from the garage by Mop. I smile, letting go of VP as I go to walk towards her.

Looking briefly at Rocco as I step past him, he’s motionless, eyes wide, his face glowing. I stop and notice, even in the poor light, that tears are filling his eyes.

I turn my head and look to my mum. She pats Mop on the arm and stands still, looking at Rocco. My eyes flit between the two of them, confused by their blatant familiarity.