I can’t stop though. The flood gates opened again as soon as she walked through the door. “I’m sorry. It’s been a long afternoon,” I say and pull away. She looks at me, brushing my hair back off my face.
“Oh love, what’s happening?”
“It’s all a mess, mum. Dean’s been taken. He’s in danger and there’s nothing I can do to help.”
“Where is he?”
“I don’t know. Rocco and the guys have gone to find him, they think he’s with the Sodom Saviours.” Mum’s eyes scrunch together unsure of what I’m talking about. “They’re another club,” I add. She nods, understanding, and I pull her into my arms again.
“I saw you sent a text, but I didn’t get a chance to read it as I was already in the car, what did it say?”
“It was just—hang on—I sent directions to here. You mean you found the clubhouse without needing directions?” I semi laugh between tears and step back from her. She takes a minute before she looks directly at me, her face blank and expressionless.
“Yes, love, I found it okay. I, uh… well there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about, for a while now, actually. You remember the story, about the—"
Mum looks past me and I turn my head to see Mop and Lauren walking to us. Turning back to her, I ask her what she wanted to say.
She waves her hand dismissively at me. “Nothing… don’t worry for now. We'll talk later, once we know what's happening.”
“Mads,” Lauren says quietly. I stare at mum a moment longer before turning round.
“Lauren. Sorry, this is my mum, Jainey. Mum this is Lauren, and this is Mop.”
Mum’s eyes connect with his and for the briefest of moments I see his face tighten, the lines between his eyes pulling together. My eyes stay on Mop as he excuses himself. Lauren then steps closer.
“Hello,” she says meekly.
“Hello, Lauren,” mum says, wiping her face and smiling kindly. “You look like you’ve had quite a day.”
“Yeah, but thanks to Mads I’m okay. She saved me.” Lauren looks to me and mum’s eyes widen.
“What? What happened?”
I briefly look at Mop behind the bar getting a drink then give her the rundown, with Lauren adding a few details here and there. But when I get to the part where I escaped from Alex, Lauren’s face turns white.
“What old church?” Lauren asks interrupting, as I relay my aptly timed spew session.
“The church, near the top of the hill,” I reply. “A lady let me in her car around there then we sped away back here.”
“What direction was Alex driving in?” Lauren probes. Mop steps closer, my mum’s eyes dart from his to mine.
“He was heading out of town towards the church. Why?”
“Are you sure?!” Her voice sounds panicked. She exchanges a look with Mop and her lips part in fear.
“Positive. Why?” She's starting to scare me.
“Because your club is heading towards the storage units near the Saviours' clubhouse thatIsent them to. If Alex was taking you towards the church, that’s in theoppositedirection.”
That means the club wouldn’t get to VP in time.
They were going the wrong way.
“What do we do?” I look to Mop for answers.
He grabs his phone from his jean pocket. “I’ll call Rocco. You three, don’t move.” He walks away from us to make the call.