Page 135 of Straight to Me

Sipping my coffee, I allow myself to decompress. “Rough morning?” Alex asks.

“You could say that.”

“Good job I ordered food as well, you look like you need the energy. Here please, you take it.”

“It’s fine, I had a big breakfast,” I lie.

“Is there anything I can help with?” Alex smiles, his round, dark eyes looking at me with concern.

“Honestly, I’m fine.” Instantly, I panic that this is my second day on my new job and I’m not making a very good impression. “Well, I’m fine, but Dean, he got some sad news recently. His cousin who we’d spent time with in Australia… he sadly died the day after we got home.”

Alex reaches forward, placing his hand on top of mine on the table. “Mads, that’s awful, I’m so sorry to hear that.” Staring at his hand on mine, I pull it away, holding my hands to my chest.

“Sorry. Just a bit stressed that’s all. Can we talk about something else? Tell me about this afternoon, what do I need to know before I sit down with Lauren’s teachers?” He looks at where my hand was placed.

“Uh, well, there’s nothing much to say. You simply need to get an overview of how she’s getting on in class so far and any plans or comments they may have for her integration.”

“Okay great, I can do that.”

“Do you think she’s getting on alright?”

“Yes, she seemed happy yesterday and this morning. I was actually going to suggest that we spend some time together this weekend, even if we meet for lunch or something, just so she can get to know me better away from school.”

Alex smiles encouragingly, with eyes wide and a supportive nod. “That sounds great. Just let me know what you decide so I can write it on a day out form for you.”

“Will do, no problem.”

“If you’ll excuse me a second, I need to visit the gents'.”

As he leaves, I check my phone in my bag. Two missed calls and three texts from Dean. I press the call back button and he answers instantly flustered and angry.

“Why the fuck have you taken so long to answer!”

My mouth opens. “I’m sorry?” I snap sarcastically.

“I’ve been trying to get hold of you for the past hour!”

“Okay, well I’mworking. You know that. I didn’t hear my phone.”

“I need to come get you.”


“Mads, it’s urgent. Where are you? I’ll come get you.”

His constant telling me hits a nerve. “No.”

“No?! This isn’t a joke, Mads.”

“I’m not laughing, Dean.”

I can hear him taking deep breaths. I look up and see Alex walking back to the table. “Look I really can’t talk now. I’ll see you after I finish work, like we said.”

“Don’t you dare hang up!” Pressing the end call button, I jam my phone back into my bag.

I feel it vibrate against my feet the whole time as I manage to finish my coffee. It’s hard to ignore but ignore it I do. He can wait until I’m back in my car.

Alex and I finish our relaxed meeting and say our farewells. Once I’m back in my car I take out my phone. Opening up the messages, I see they’re all from him.