Page 32 of Straight to Me

As we wait patiently for our food to arrive, Jess pours the wine. We’re sitting towards the back of the restaurant with a view of everyone eating and greeting each other around us. I take a big sip from my glass and the ice-cold alcohol swims down my throat like a small slice of heaven.

I smile to myself, enjoying the little moment as Jess leans past me waving at someone entering the restaurant. “It’s Fred and Rita, from next door but one,” she says smiling. She stands, hugging and kissing them both on the cheeks.

Everyone’s so kind to one another up north, minus the stressed driver behind me this afternoon. Here people are happy to stop and say hello, unlike back home where most people ignore each other, no fucks given to being polite. People here actually give a shit about you, your family, your job. It’s endearing.

“How’s the family, Jess?” Fred asks.

I let a little laugh escape as I take another sip of wine. He only lives two doors away. They must pass each other all the time, yet they still exchange pleasantries like they haven’t seen each other in months.

“All well. In fact, this is Madison. She made the move up just yesterday.” She holds her hand towards me as she sits back down.

“Oh, Madison! We’ve heard so much about you. Journey go, ok?” asks Rita.

“A little tiring but I’m glad to be here,” I smile, feeling my phone start vibrating from my bag. Looking at the screen I see it’s Vivian from the interview. “Sorry, I’ll have to take this.”

I step outside to answer her call.

“Madison, glad I caught you, apologies for the late hour.” I tell her not to worry, my hand slightly trembling as she continues. “I’d like to offer you the position,” she says, straight to the point.

Grinning from ear to ear, I shut my eyes taking in a deep breath. I’d done it. “Thank you, Vivian. I can’t tell you how much this means.”

“You’ll be a great asset to our team, Madison.”

She informs me I have three weeks until I officially start, which was actually perfect. It would give me time to find somewhere to live and explore my new surroundings. I can’t stop smiling as we say goodbye.

I run back inside to Jess, Fred and Rita who join us in a toast to me getting the job.

An hour later, completely stuffed from the delicious extra large pizza I’d ordered as a treat, I place my knife and fork on the plate, unable to eat another mouthful. I feel in a dream-like state, my eyes now heavy, my blinks getting slower.

Suddenly my nostrils twitch unexpectedly with the familiar smell of leather. I consider that after sharing two bottles of wine, my mind’s playing tricks on me. Jess kicks me under the table, making me jerk in my chair.

I go to kick her back harder, but her face displays a look of shock—and desire? Her mouth opens slightly before her eyes flit between me and someone behind me. The hairs on my arms stand up as the leather, mixed with an earthy scent, swamps my nose.

There’s no mistaking who it is.

Jess fidgets in her seat, his presence clearly having the same effects on her as it does me. I kick her to get her attention. Looking back to me, she quickly grabs her wine and takes a swig.


I’ve missed that voice. It takes some strength to not allow my eyes to close so I can savour it. Instead, I rest my elbows on the table linking my fingers, and place my chin on my hands before turning my head his way. Why’s he come here? He’s intruding on my night with my sister. If he thinks I’m just going to do as he says he can forget it.

“Dean,” I say curtly.

He raises those bristly eyebrows. I never call him Dean. I bet he’s more annoyed with me than before. “Are you going to introduce me?” he asks, looking at Jess.

Like a smitten kitten, she looks delirious, extending her hand to shake his. “No need, you must be VP, I’m Madison’s sister, Jess. I’ve heard all about you.”

I’m going to kill her when we get home.

She refuses to look at me, knowing she’s embarrassed me. Yes, he looks dishy with a red checker shirt on under his leather cut. His jaw peppered with light brown stubble, his hair, actually tamed for once. She just has to focus and not let me down.

“You have?”

God that cheeky smile looks divine, but it’s annoying seeing how much he enjoys the fact that I’ve spoken about him. “I mentioned how you didn’t reply when I said I couldn’t see you tonight.”

“Sorry, I was busy,” he says, using my own excuse against me. The smile fades as he looks back to me.

“I bet.” I have to pinch my lips together, from saying anything else.