Page 182 of Straight to Me

“If I take Mads, you’ll come too, eventually. Thus, they’ll kill you both and I’ll be in the clear.”

There’s a slight pause before VP shifts on his feet and straightens his spine. “The world will burn before I let you take her from me,” VP forces out his words through gritted teeth.

“I’m the one holding the gun. I could just shoot you and take her again,” Alex says.

“Again?” VP’s voice deepens to a low growl. I feel his body tense as I hold on to him from behind.

“I managed to drag her into my car after the Sodom Saviours drove you away from the mill. I didn’t know she would be there too… figured you wouldn’t have let her come with you. But you did, and you made my job a lot easier.”

VP shifts his feet and I grip him tighter. He’ll kill Alex if he gets his hands on him. But he’s hurt. There’s no way he could get to him before Alex could let off a shot.

“Why not just kill us now? That’s the plan, isn’t it?”

“Oh, it is. But I had a call from Vincent just before she showed up. I’m to take her. And you… well, they said it would be more fun to leave you alive, for now. Something about letting history repeat itself?”

“I’m going to enjoy killing you,” VP tells him.

“Again, I’m the one holding the gun,” Alex says cockily.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Mop shift his foot slightly as VP talks. I quickly work out that VP’s keeping Alex talking. Maybe Mop is going to grab the gun and shoot Alex before he can hurt anyone.

“Don’t fucking move!” Alex shouts, and the sound of the gun being fired at the concrete floor along with his shriek has me scrunching my shoulders, ears ringing.

He saw Mop moving, too.

I look down at my hand that has instinctively wrapped around my belly. When I look up from behind VP’s back, Mop is looking at me. His attempt to get us out of here, failed.

I don’t take in what Alex is saying, but if I want everyone to get safely out of this situation, I know I have to comply. It's me Alex wants.

“I’ll go with you,” I say hushed.

“What did you say?” Alex questions.

I carefully stand to my feet, not moving too fast in case I spook him. My mum's frightened face stares at me while I look at her over VP's shoulders. “I’ll go with you,” my dry throat croaks, but my words are spoken more confidently.

Mop’s head swings to me and his eyes widen when he looks down and sees the knife he’d given me still in my hand.

I tuck it up my sleeve quickly before Alex can see. Mop’s eyes blink fast but he doesn’t say anything. I’m grateful he sees the opportunity I have here and is willing to let me try. His trust emboldens me. I can do this.

Distraction and redirection.

I step around Dean, keeping a hand on him the entire time I move.

“Mads no,” his voice breaks. “You’re not going with him.”

“VP… I need you to trust me.”

I cup his cheek with my free hand, standing on my tiptoes to kiss him. He holds me tight. Savouring the feel of his lips on mine, I manage to hold back my tears for the first time.

No matter how hard I’ve tried in the past, somehow, I ended up succumbing to what other people wanted, that I forgot who I really was. Life was easier in the slow lane, going along with things just for the sake of an easy ride. I was always too afraid of the consequences to truly know what I’m really capable of.

But not now. Not in this moment.

I can’t stay in the comfort zone, hiding behind someone. I need to walk into the fire, to use the bravery I know is deep down within me, screaming at me because she knows I can do it.

Opening my eyes, those dreamy greens seem to find their light again as my thumb strokes his tarred face. “Dean,” Mop says, letting him know I can do this.

VP turns his head to Mop and they exchange a knowing look. Still, it takes VP a moment before he reluctantly loosens his grip on me.