Page 83 of Sinner's Mercy

“Woman’s just as silent as Prez right now. Gut’s telling me the woman is ready to rip balls, Mercy. I say we give her a platform to air her grievances.”

“So, to recap,” I muttered, running my hands down my face. “Largo’s original bloodwork got lost in the mail. Prez is denying everything until the club runs another test. Montana is ready to kill his father, and no one knows who the fuck Julianna really is? That about right?”

All three of my brothers nodded.

“Great!” I snarked, getting to my feet. “We know just enough to scratch our asses. Storm, call a board meeting. I want all the players at the table in one hour. Anyone refuses, I want them dragged in. Don’t care how you get them in there. Just make sure they are there.”

“You got it,” the man said, leaving to do what I asked.

As for Shame and Pippen, I looked at the two and ordered, “I don’t care how many rocks you two have to kick over. Callwhoever you need. Just get me everything fast. You have until midnight.”

Leaving my office, I passed through the main room and tried to contain my anger upon seeing George Stone sitting at a table with the Retirement Rejects surrounding him. He shimmered furiously while his wife, Virginia, glared daggers at him, daring him to say another fucking word.

I didn’t envy the man one bit.

George Stone was the bedrock of this club. For the longest time, he ran the Soulless Sinners with an iron fist. Set the example for all future brothers to follow. Hell, when I joined the club, I wanted to be just like the man. Everything about him exuded power; from his booming voice to the way he loved and doted on his wife. He was the pinnacle every brother hoped one day to achieve.

Then, all because of one fucking blood test, his legacy had come crumbling down. While I wanted to give the man the benefit of the doubt, the evidence was damning. Bane ran Largo’s test three times. The second time, I was now damn sure because he wanted to make certain himself. It wasn’t everyday someone challenged the honor of a former president of a major motorcycle club.

The ramifications, if proven true, would forever change several lives, all because one man couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.

The fucker could put an end to all this shit if he would just fucking come clean. If he fucked around on his wife, that was a personal matter, and had nothing to do with club business. However, his affiliation and part in this cover up was, and if I didanything before I took my wife home tonight, it would be getting to the bottom of this shit show fast.

My woman was barely hanging on by a thread.

This club had rocked her world to the core. The man she loved, depended on, respected, known her entire fucking life was not her real father. Her mother, not the woman she believed her to be. Then there was Katie, who sat in the mailroom, refusing to say shit to anyone, claiming to be the wife of her brother, Landon. All this subterfuge had finally run its course. Anything more and my wife would break, and that was something I would never allow to happen. If this club thought I lost my shit when I learned what Cynic had done to my wife, they hadn’t seen shit. Especially if it came to light this fucking club had known the damn truth all along and hadn’t told me.

Making my way upstairs, I ignored all the looks and whispers.

Everyone knew not to fuck with me right now.

All I cared about was Largo and her well-being.

I chose this club over my wife once before. That would never happen again. I may be ready to rip some heads, but I was thinking clearly. The first time in a long time, I knew how everything was going to go, and God help anyone who got in my way.

Walking down the long hallway, I noticed my bedroom door open when I heard Torment speak, “What you are feeling is normal, Largo. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Learning any kind of truth can induce a plethora of emotions. My advice is to let what you are feeling run its course.”

“So, I would be justified in killing him?”

Torment chuckled. “Justified, no. The rage that goes along with that, yes. A man you’ve known for a long time, even respected and possibly loved, is your biological father. When faced with such circumstances, it’s only natural to experiencea range of emotions, including shock, disbelief, outrage, and sorrow. The list is vast. It’s how you handle things moving forward that will speak volumes to your character. Now, while I, like everyone else, hardly know all the details, what I do know is that no matter what happens next, know that your mom and dad loved you and Landon dearly. Do your best to hold onto that fact. They tried to give you a normal life and only wanted you to be happy.”

“It’s like everything I thought I knew has evaporated. I don’t know who is who anymore. Who do I trust, Torment?”

“You trust me,” I firmly spoke, walking in and kneeling before her as she sat on the bed. “You trust me to figure this out, baby. Lean on me. Believe in me enough to know that I will get the truth for you.”

Largo lifted her head, looking at me as tears rolled down her face. “I don’t know who my family is, Caleb.”

“Yes, you do. You have me and Sophia. We are your family. We will be the ones you lean on, and in time, we will add to our family.”

“Family is what you make of it, Largo,” Torment stated. “Sharing blood doesn’t make a family. That’s just genetics. It’s the love, faith, respect, and trust you have in someone that makes them family. I don’t call those men downstairs my brothers lightly. But I know each and every one of them would drop anything to help me if I called.”

“And you have me. You’ve always had me,” Montana affirmed, standing in the doorway. “Largo, I don’t know what the hell is the truth and what isn’t, but if you let me, I want to help you figure this shit out. I want to make this right for you. Blood or not. I’ve always considered you my sister.”

Largo ran to Montana, who hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head.

Standing, I faced my president and asked, “Your head on straight, brother?”

“It’s getting there.”