Page 85 of Sinner's Mercy

“Yeah, sweetheart. He did. You were right about leaving when you did. He broke his vow the night before you returned. Nothing any of us said could stop him. He wanted to hurt you and he succeeded.”

Virginia slowly stood and straightened her suit. Leaning toward Montana, she kissed her son’s cheek. “Montana, I’m going home. Tell your father he is no longer welcome there.” Walking over to Happy, she placed her hand on his broad shoulder and simply added, “You’re wrong, Happy. He didn’t hurt me because I already suspected it. Can’t hurt when you don’t feel anything. Tell them everything. Largo deserves to know the truth.”

Montana stood. “Mom. Let me send a brother home with you.”

“I can handle myself, Son. I always could. Happy, when you’re finished here, maybe you and I could get coffee and talk.”

Happy nodded solemnly, his face washed in regret.

Every brother stood as Virginia Stone walked out of the boardroom, with her head held high, when Largo spoke up, “Virginia, wait up!”

Turning to me, she added, “I don’t think I want to be here for this, Caleb. I’m going to go to Virginia. I’ll see if she wants to go home with me. She shouldn’t be alone right now.”

“Alright, baby,” I said, quickly kissing her before she rushed after Montana’s mother.

With both women gone, Happy spoke, “It was just after Kansas’s tenth birthday when George met Loraine Delgato. She accompanied Stefano to a meeting George had set up when Rafaello requested help with Guillermo. Generally, the club didn’t interfere with Mafia matters, but Rafaello being a direct descendent of Anthony Romano, we were blood bound to help. Guillermo wanted the city. He also wanted the Romanos eradicated. It was a bloody time back then. To make matters worse, Cesar Vitale arrived with his brothers from Italy with a price on their heads, which added another family into the mix.

“Anyway, George didn’t pay Loraine much attention at first. Well, not that I saw. I could tell she and Stefano were lovers. With the war ramping up, your dad spent more time at the clubhouse than at home. Well, that’s what he ordered us to tell your mother. The truth was, your dad was spending time with Rafaello at some club downtown, drinking and having fun. The next thing I know, Stefano and Loraine are partying along with them. When your mom found out, she went ballistic. Never piss her off, Montana. You will lose every time.”

“Refusing to be a stay-at-home mom, your mom gave your dad an ultimatum. Guess you can figure out how well that went. In the end, your dad called your mom’s bluff, and well, your mom left, taking you boys with her. Virginia was always a smart woman with a solid head on her shoulders. She had her own money and technically didn’t need your father. We all knew Virginia needed nothing from your dad. What they never told you was your mom didn’t just leave for a few weeks. She filed fordivorce. All she wanted was full custody of you boys. When your dad found out, he threatened her.”

“What the fuck do you mean, threatened her?” Montana demanded.

Happy looked at him and sighed, “Your dad threatened to have your mother killed if she didn’t return with you and your brothers. To prove he could do it, he had Rafaello facilitate the accident your grandparents were in.”

“The accident that damn near killed my grandma and where Arizona broke his leg?”

Happy nodded. “Arizona wasn’t supposed to be in the car, but it was too late. When Virginia learned George had ordered the accident, she agreed to return immediately. But Virginia had an ace up her sleeve. She accepted the job of assistant district attorney of the state of New York. There was no fucking way George could harm one hair on her head without bringing the full weight of law enforcement down on his head. Your mother gave as good as she got.”

“And the affair?”

“That happened the night before your mother’s return. Because your parents were married and your mom ran, George felt she needed to be punished in some way that she couldn’t divulge to her new boss. That’s when he came up with theBlood of a Sinner. The same punishment Largo went through.”

Shifting in my seat, I didn’t like where this shit was going.

Glaring at the man, I sneered. “Finish it. Now.”

“George knew the second Virginia saw him, she would know about the affair. Your mother always saw more than she let on. So, to ensure she kept her mouth shut when she returned, he ordered me to take you boys home while the club punished Virginia for leaving.”

“And my mother agreed to this?” Montana roared furiously.

Happy shook his head. “No. She never agreed to it. The club didn’t give her a choice.”

“What do you mean?” Vicious asked.

“Exactly what I said,” Happy reiterated. “The club gave her no choice. They forced her to submit to the punishment.”

“Dear God,” Payne whispered as several brothers cursed.

“Why didn’t she just leave him?” Montana asked while he closed his eyes.

“She stayed because of you boys. Everything she’s done since has been to ensure that you boys are safe. Your mother gave up her freedom for you and never looked back. Don’t take what she did for you as weakness, son. Your mother is one of the strongest women I’ve ever known. George never deserved her.”

“All this time, I thought they were happy together.”

“Looks can be deceiving.”

Montana growled, clenching his hands tightly and he said, “I’m going to kill him.”