Maybe I should have stayed gone.
He really didn’t want me here.
I could see that now.
“He still not talking to you?”
Looking at Silver, I shrugged. “He doesn’t want me here.”
Silver leaned against the bar. “If he didn’t want you here, then you wouldn’t be here, and you know it. He’s angry, Largo.”
“The only time he’s showed any interest was when I was hurt or in trouble. He can’t even be in the same building with me anymore.”
“Have you talked with Montana?”
I shook my head. “No. I can’t talk to him about this.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s personal.”
Silver smirked. “Hate to tell ya this, honey, but nothing is personal in this club. Everyone knows everything. Nothing is off-limits.”
Grinning, I quipped, “Oh yeah. So, how are things with you and Malice?”
The young woman frowned.
“Not talking about that asshole. Besides, Malice is an entity unto himself. I’m not even sure he qualifies as being human.”
“Oh, he’s human, Silver. A living, breathing man who watches you like you’re the divine Virgin Mary herself. One of these days you’ll crack that armor around his heart, and then, God help you because your life will never be the same again.”
“He’d have to have a heart first,” she muttered before she added, “Besides, it doesn’t matter. He hates me and will never forgive me for trying to hurt myself. He’s just hanging around to make sure I don’t try again.”
“Because we all know most people succeed on the second try,” the deep, dark, gravelly voice said from behind her.
Silver slowly turned to face the larger-than-life executioner of the club. “If you’ve got something to say to me, I wish you would just say it, then leave me alone.”
Malice took a step forward and growled while Silver flinched before scurrying off fast towards the kitchen.
“Your growling isn’t doing you any favors, Malice. The girl is scared shitless of you.”
“Not my fucking problem.”
“It is when she likes you.”
The man shrugged. “Mercy wants to talk to you.”
That was new.
Perking up, I asked, “Oh really? And what crime is he accusing me of this time? Did I forget to genuflect in his presence?”
“Boardroom. Now,” Malice growled.
Getting to my feet, I quickly downed my drink before standing straight. “Careful, Malice. Your growls only get my hackles up.”
Grabbing my arm, Malice said carefully, “Watch it, Largo. He’s not thinking clearly.”
Yanking my arm from his grasp, I snapped, “Not my fucking problem. He’s got a problem with me, then he can be man enough and tell me himself instead of avoiding me like some scorned petulant little boy.”