Page 35 of Lennon

Dad’s lip twitches and he leans forward, his elbows resting on the desk, as he stares at our brother. “You think I didn’t know?”

My jaw hits the fucking floor. What now?

Dad doesn’t give any of us a chance to say anything before he barrels forward, “I saw the way the three of you looked at Lennon at dinner. It was obvious that the three of you have feelings for her. I can’t say I blame you either. Lennon has a kind heart and a sharp mind. She’s also beautiful.”

“Dad,” Lachlan and Kemp growl in unison.

I’m still too stunned to say a damn thing, although my hackles do rise when he calls our woman beautiful. I know he’s just trying to get a rise out of us; it’s clear by the look on his face.

Dad holds his hands up in front of him. “Abigail is more than enough woman for me,” he tells us and winks. Fucking winks.

Where am I right now? I glance around the room, expecting to find some cameras or some sort of rip in the time-space continuum which indicates I’m in some alternate dimension. This can’t really be happening, can it?

“Fucking hell,” Kemp scrubs a hand down his face, “Dad.”

Dad chuckles, the sound is hearty, and it puts me at ease instantly. “I wasn’t the only one who noticed either,” there’s a teasing note in dad’s voice.

I choke out, “Abigail?”

Dad gives me a quelling look. “She’s not blind, son. I’m sure anyone who has spent more than a few seconds around the three of you with her would know there’s something there.”

“You aren’t disappointed or mad?” The words feel like sandpaper as I force them past my lips, but it needs to be asked.

“No,” Dad practically shouts. “How could I be disappointed or mad when you’re doing what I’ve always taught you to do? You’re following your hearts.” He looks at each of us and I can see how much he means it. “Does she make you happy?”

“Yes,” the three of us practically harmonize the one word and I bark out a short derisive laugh.

Fuck, I’m going to need a drink after this. A big one. And strong.

“You’re taking over the business and will do remarkable things with it. That has made me proud for a long time. Still, I was worried about the three of you. It seemed like all you were interested in was working. I didn’t understand it, but now I do. You were waiting and focusing on what you could control until Lennon agreed to move here.”

Lachlan looks away from Dad when he asks, “You don’t care that we all want to be with her?”

“Hey,” Dad snorts incredulously, “I’m hip.” I chuckle along with my brothers. “Not all relationships look the same. If you’re happy and not hurting anyone, I will always support you. Always.”


That one word holds so much weight when it comes from our dad. It has for our entire lives.

When we had nothing.

When he was working hard to build a future for us.

When we sat around the table while he listened to every story about our day no matter how tired he was.

Kemp comes through with another important question. “How does Abigail feel about it?”

“She wants what I want—for our children to be happy. I think she was a little weirded out by it at first, but then I reminded her that you’re all adults. I asked her if she would have chosen not to be with me if you all had met Lennon first.”

I lean forward from my perch on the couch, needing to know her answer. I prompt him, “What did she say?”

“She paled slightly when I asked, and I could see the wheels in her head turning. Then she turned to me and told me nothing would have kept her from falling in love with me.” He sighs the dreamy, and kind of disgusting, sigh of a man in love. “Then she kissed me, and I reminded her why she loves me so damn much.”

My face twists into a scowl. “Too much dad,” I admonish him.

The man fucking shrugs with a huge grin on his face and all I can do is laugh. Meeting Abigail was one of the best things that has ever happened to him. They’re meant to be together.

I have to say, it was one of the best things to happen to us as well. It’s because he met her that Lennon was brought into our lives, no matter how long we had to wait for her.