Page 59 of Reaching Limits

“Joe…” Wade moves toward him like he’s gonna comfort him, but Joe shoves him away.

“This was a home invasion, you're gonna beat the shit out of me, and you're gonna leave,” Joe interrupts. “I know you got your ties with Sheriff Nelson so your alibi’s will all check out. Come on, lay it on me.” He stands confidently in front of Wade and waits for the first blow.

“Joe, we can find another way.”

“Maybe, but this is the most convincing. You think Aubrey and you guys were the only people my dad blackmailed. He’s been doing it for years. He’s got half this town wrapped up in chains because of the secrets he knows, and Leonard’s just as bad. I saw what you did to Greg. I put two and two together and figured he had something to do with that banner that was put up in the town square.

“What banner?” Wade looks confused.

“It ain’t important.” Garrett quickly steps in, shaking his head at Joe warningly.

“I have all the names of the people he’s been fuckin’ with on a flash drive, I got it from his computer last week.”

“How about the guy that took Savannah, was he one of ‘em?” I ask, wonderin’ if that flash drive has information that will help me find her properly.

“I don’t know. There are a lot of people on there. Sheriff Nelson included.” He surprises us all again when he takes it out his pocket and places it in Garrett’s hand. “It’s yours, I wasn’t entirely sure what to do with it, but I knew having the information could stop ‘em. Now I guess I’ll use this as a bargaining tool for you to let me live. I ain’t gonna rat on youfor what happened here. I wanna move on from this town, find Dexter, and have the life I’ve been told I never could.” Wade and Garrett’s eyes widen.

“Joe, we ain’t gonna kill ya. You said it yourself, you’re an accomplice,” Garrett assures him, looking confused. My cell starts ringing in my jacket, and I quickly answer when I see that it’s Uncle Jimmer.


“Whatcha got?” I ask, feeling that fury start to fuel inside me again.

“I got ya man. Maddy tracked the number plate and found the address it was registered to. I got Jessie and Troj sitting on the property right now, and guess who’s home?”

“That’s just what I needed to hear. Send me the details.”

“Cole, I get that you need to make that guy pay, but I can have my boys on him all night, he’s not going anywhere. Your girl here needs you. She’s been through hell. Let me get Troj and Jessie to pick him up and take him to the Line Camp. He can wait for you there.”

“Get them to take him there now.” I hang up the phone and slide it back in my jacket so I can focus on the here and now.

“We got him.” I nod my head to Garrett.

“Ya sure.” He checks before heading over to the fire and picking up the leaver to open it.

“Positive, Troj and Jessie are bringing him in.”

“Okay?” Garrett shrugs

“What ya doin’?” Joe looks confused when my brother takes the flash and tosses it into the flames. “That’s not how we roll, those secrets don’t belong to us. We got the information we needed from that drive from my uncle. No more blackmail bullshit in my town.” Garrett closes up the door and dusts off his hands as he makes his way back toward Joe. “Now,unfortunately for you, that little plan of yours is the best option, so brace yourself. This is gonna hurt.” He clenches his fist.

“You shouldn’t be here,” Wade tells me as we pull up outside the line camp in my truck and we wait for Jessie and Troj. “Cole, this can wait. Savannah’s in hosp?—”

“I know where she is, Wade,” I shout over him. “It’s my fuckin’ fault this happened to her. Mason wanted to hurt me.”

“No, he wanted to hurt us,” Wade corrects me. “Just like he wanted to hurt Pops and Grandad. It’s a Carson thing, it’s on all of us.”

“Still, she wouldn’t have been taken if she wasn’t mine.” I slam my fist against the wheel and curse myself for dragging her into this.

“You have to stop that, Cole. All this is over, Mason’s dead. It’s what you’ve wanted for years.”

“It ain’t over, Wade. It ain’t ever gonna be over for us. There’s always gonna be an enemy. Hell, we couldn’t even trust our own fuckin’ mother.” Wade drops his head when he hears that and Jessie pulls up on his bike just at the right time, followed by Troj, who’s drivin’ the black van Savannah was taken in.

I barely give him a chance to stop before I slide open the side door and climb in the back. I have to reach past Troj’s motorcycle to grab the scrawny prick they got hogtied and when I drag him out and rip out his gag, he screams like a fuckin’ pussy.

“You thought you were gonna rape my girl?” I waste no time in gettin’ started, taking out my knife and stabbing it into his ribs, just like he did to her. He screams some more and I pull out the knife and use the blood-coated blade to slice through hisface. “You were gonna cut her and ruin her face.” I get on my knees and listen to his body wheezing for air. I figure I must have pierced his lung and I’m sure of it when he starts to choke up blood. “I wish I had time to really fuck you up, you sick little prick. But I got a real short patience span and a hella lotta anger to unleash.” I slice through more of his skin, cutting him open and listening to him splutter and choke before I make my final blow and shove the blade straight through his ear. His blood pours outta him and onto me, but I don’t care, I like the way it feels because this is who I am and this is what I do.

I think about Savannah and how scared she must have been, I think about what this cunt could have done to her if she hadn’t been strong enough to get herself free.