Page 56 of Reaching Limits

“See, Joel, I don’t fear a man who knocks a girl out and ties her down so he can hurt her. It’s a little weak, don’t you think? In fact, I don’t think you’ve hurt anyone in your life. Just spent a whole lot of time jerking yourself off to real men who know how to hurt properly. But… this is your first time and you're taking precautions, which I guess is sensible.” I smile sympathetically then look over my shoulder at the ropes.

“I’m not weak.” He shakes his head.

“Sure.” I wink and watch his frustration multiply.

“I’m not fucking weak.” He slams his hand into the beam just above my head and somehow I manage not to flinch. His hand grips the front of my dress and he drags me up onto my feet as he stands up.

“I told you, Joel, I understand. Everyone gets nervous for their first time.”

“Shut up. I’m not nervous.” He breathes heavily as he grasps my chin.

“No, you're not nervous at all. Why would you be when you have me tied down. You don’t have to restrain me, or pin me down with these hands. I’m easy prey.” I glance down at his fingers. “You got this, Joel.” I wink at him again and hold my breath when I feel the cold blade of his knife slice through the lace covering my ribs.

“It’s not supposed to be like this,” he growls.

“I know, and maybe when you're stronger you can try it again without the ropes.” I stay strong, knowing that this is my only hope.

He watches for my reaction as the knife scrapes slowly through my skin, not too deep but enough to draw blood, and when a daring glint flashes in his eyes I keep mine fixed in his and show no fear.

“It’s easy like this, huh?” I pull together a smile, and when he pulls the knife away I feel a surge of relief when the blade slices through the ropes and frees my hands.

“I don’t need restraints.” He clutches my jaw tighter, smiling sadistically as he slams my head back against the beam.

“Wrong.” I use all my adrenaline and strength to slam my knee into his balls and luckily it folds him in half. As he drops, I throw my fist directly at his throat and send him flying backward. My hand hurts like hell, so I figure I hit him pretty hard, but I can’t waste time and check. I scramble toward the door, lifting the wooden leaver and breaking out into the fresh air. I was right in thinking this place was remote, all I can see is trees and woodland, and I pick a direction and run as fast as my legs will let me.

It’s dusk and the rough terrain slices my soles open, but I don’t look back. I keep running until my legs feel like they can’t run anymore. When I stop to catch my breath, I have no idea how far he is behind me, or if he’s even chasing me, and as I evaluate where I am and where I’m heading I see a clearing in the trees and a car zooms past. It must be a road, and I gather the little energy that I have left and head in its direction.

I make it to the road and despite the risk of being mowed down, I step out in front of the first car that comes along. It’s a station wagon and the couple on the other side of the windshield both look shocked as they pull to an abrupt stop.

“Are you okay?” A man jumps out of the passenger seat and rushes toward me as my legs give in.

“Get her in the car, we need to get her to a hospital.” I hear the woman’s voice sound panicked and when the ground lifts from under me, I don’t try and fight my eyes to stay awake.

“You're okay, hunny, you’re safe.” I focus on her words as my mind goes blank again.

You really expect me to believe this had nothing to do with you? There she is, right there.” I point at the CCTV footage of them together at the bar.

“That’s all we have, I’m afraid, she’s seen leaving the exit and heading toward the road. The camera picked up this footage of the van that arrived just after her cab and then pulled out just after she left,” the manager points out.

“Convenient.” I stare at Harvey.

“Cole, I get that you don’t trust me, and for good reason, but I’m telling you I had nothing to do with this. What do I gain from taking her.?”

“Jess, get this sent to Mads, we can use the license plate to get more information,” Jimmer orders.

“There’s no audio on that video of you and her talking, how do we know she didn’t tell you what she knew about that safe house? We’ve seen the lengths you’ll go to to keep your daughter safe.”

“I did not hurt that girl. I did not take her.” He tells me starting to sound pissed off.

“So who did?” I snap back. “Who’s driving that fuckin’ van?”

“You want my guess?” he asks, looking a lot different to how he did a few minutes ago when he thought I was gonna kill him.

“Yeah, I want your fuckin’ guess.” I square up to him again.

“Mason. He wants a rise out of this family, he’s been trying to do it ever since Garrett announced he was running for Mayor, and it may hurt you to hear this, Cole, but you’re the weak link. You're a hot head, shoot first, think later. If I were Mason, you’d be the one I’d aggravate,” he admits, and although I wanna strangle him, his words make sense.

“Me insisting that Garrett run for Mayor has put you in this situation so I hold some accountability.” He admits, shamefully.