Page 55 of Reaching Limits

“Joel, I don’t think you want to do that, and I know I sure as hell don’t want you to.” I manage a nervous laugh, hoping a little humor might ease the situation.

“I haven’t got a choice. I’m sorry.” He lifts his eyes up to mine and despite his determination, I see some guilt inside them.

“Why don’t you tell me, why? There’s no harm in talking it out, right?”

“I’m not supposed to talk to you.” He takes off his cap and launches it across the room. “I fuck everything up.” He’s increasingly getting angry at himself, which I figure won’t be good for me.

“I don’t believe that at all. I’m here, aren’t I? You took me without anyone knowing where I am. You’re in control here. You get to choose if you use that knife or if you don’t.”

“No, that’s not how it is. I have to do this.” He edges toward me and when I squeal, he places his hand over my mouth. “Please, please don’t make this any harder for me. I’ve tried to fight it. I know you won’t understand.”

I shake my head and plead him with my eyes and when he finally releases my mouth, I take a long gasp of air before I speak.

“Then try and make me understand. Tell me why you have to do this, maybe I can help you figure it out.” I try to reestablish a connection and remain calm, but it’s hard to do when my heart feels like it’s going to explode from my chest.

“You're prettier in the flesh than you were in the picture he gave me.” The guy strokes my cheek with his dirty hand and pulls a photograph of me from his pocket. It’s of me and looks as though it was taken from a distance through the diner window.

“If it were up to me I wouldn’t ruin your face.” His thumb trails over my cheek and when a pool of dread sinks into my stomach, I feel my tears start to flow over them too.

“This person wants you to ruin my face?” I swallow thickly.

“He wants me to ruin everything,” the guy whispers weakly and when I feel his trembling lips absorb one of my tears, I really start to panic.

“Who is he?” I have to keep him talking so he doesn’t see this through.

“I can’t tell you, Savannah. Just know that I didn’t have a choice. I owe him and this is my debt.”

“No.” I shake my head at him firmly, there has to be a way I can stop this from happening.

“Joel, if you do this to me, you have to live with it for the rest of your life. You do this to me and I know for a fact that you will die. My boyfriend will fuckin’ find you and he will kill you,” I whisper.

“He doesn’t deserve you, not like this, maybe when this is over, but not pretty and like this.” His thumb swipes over my mouth and starts to lower down my neck.

“Wait… is that what you have to do. Rape me. Scar me with the knife?”

He pulls back in shock when I start to laugh.

“Is that your thing?” I’m taking my second risk of the day and hoping this one is more successful.

“I’m figuring you're a clever guy, so wherever we are will be in some place remote, nowhere for miles, right?” He screws up his face and looks disappointed.

“You are gonna rape me while I’m tied to this pillar, and cut me open with that knife so you can watch me bleed?” His head nods some more and I see a different kind of curiosity in his eyes.

“Is that why this person chose you because that’s what you like?” I feel my stomach flip when he agrees.

“Okay,” I nod acceptingly.

“What?” he looks even more confused.

“Well, there's nothing I can do about it.” I shrug. “You got me tied to a pillar. You are gonna slice up my face and rape me. No point me crying over it. What ya waiting for?” I shrug my shoulders and hold my nerve.

“No! You can’t be okay with that?” Joel looks disgusted in me.

“Oh, trust me, I’m not okay with it. But I’ve learned these past few months that I should probably be a little more accepting of the situations I find myself in. Who knows, maybe I might even like it. This kinda thing is clearly your kink. Tell me, Joel, how many women have you raped and mutilated?” I tilt my head and ask curiously. My pulse is racing and my palms are sweating but I have to keep up the act.

“Stop it. why are you being like this?” He starts that rapid breathing again, proving my plan is working.

“Oh, I’m sorry, am I supposed to scream or beg? Maybe I should cry again, you liked that, didn’t you?” I can see I’m getting to him, and I'm starting to see a way out of this.