Page 41 of Reaching Limits

“What kinda story?” I stop picking the label on my bottle and look up at him.

“She came to me soon as your dad told her to leave this place. She told me that your grandpa had hung himself because Bill found out about the affair they were havin’. She got on her knees and she begged me to keep her safe. She told me that all that mattered to Bill was you kids and that he wanted her dead.”


“I didn’t judge him for it. I knew before I left here that your mom and my old man were at it. I could see her destroying our family and, for that, there was a time when I wanted her dead myself,” he admits.

“So instead you gave her a home.” I shake my head, trying to make sense of what he’s telling me.

“I loved my dad, Cole, I got him to thank for everything. And despite me hating that woman, I knew that he loved her. I owed it to him to keep her safe.” I can see how talkin’ about our grandpa makes him sad but that doesn’t change the fact I want answers.

“I wouldn’t call making her a club whore, keeping her safe.” I stare at him doubtfully.

“That wasn’t my intention. I couldn’t have her at my charter. Hell, I couldn’t bear to look at that woman. I sent her to Long Beach. I trusted Cliff with my life back then. I trusted him to protect her, and in return I expected her to help out with the books and keep the place tidy. But she embraced her new freedom a little too much. She started taking drugs, fed off the attention she got from the members. When I heard from Davy what was happening, I offered her an out. I even offered to help her get you kids back, but she told me she was done with that life. When Mitch called and told me what happened to your sister, I reached out and told her that you all needed her. She didn’t care. I’ve never met a woman so cold. I’m sorry, son, Ididn’t turn ya mama into a whore. She made one of herself.” I picture her face and wonder what it would have been like to throttle her rather than shoot her.

“Did Garrett tell ya what really happened to Dalton?” I check, and suddenly all the emotion comes back to me, floods and floods of anger that I don’t think I’ll ever be free from.

“Yeah, he told me, and I’ll be honest with you, my club has a rule, no women and no kids get hurt. But I’d’a broken that rule for her. I never got to know Dalton. I regret that.”

“He was a good guy.” I feel the rage get hotter when I picture his face too. That kid was always smiling, I hate imagining the fear on his face and wondering what his last thoughts were. He died protecting his niece and I wish he was around to see how proud everyone is of him for that.

“It shouldn’t have worked out the way it did,” Jimmer slaps my back as he’s about to stand up. I ask him one more question.

“Did you know… That we could be Hank’s?” He pauses to think for a moment before he answers.

“Yeah, I knew, and I’ll be honest, I don’t see much of my brother in any of you. But some things are better left unknown. You are all blood. you’re all Carson’s, you live that way, and you will die that way. You are what’s left. Your children will play in these fields, and raise their families here too, and you will spill the blood of whoever you have to, to ensure that happens. It don’t matter if I’m your uncle or your brother, I’ll do whatever it takes to help you. From now on, Carson’s stick together.” I take his hand when he offers it to me, shaking it firmly before he makes his way over to join everyone else.

I remain sitting on that porch step, staring into the night and thinking about the woman who will haunt me forever. I search real hard to find some remorse or regret for what I did, but I fail. The hate I feel for her now seems even greater than it was when she was alive.

“We’re all headin’ back, you coming?” Wade heads over. “I mean, ain’t no use you stayin’ out here on your own no more. Not when you got a redhead waitin’ back at home for ya.” He reaches down for my hand and I let him drag me up on my feet.

“Good things are comin’ our way, Cole. The bad times are behind us now.” He has that infectious smile on his face and I want to believe what he says, but I know that no matter how far those bad times are behind us, they are always gonna haunt me.

Ihear the floorboards creak and the door quietly open, and I keep my eyes closed holding back a smile as I hear him slide out of his boots and try not to wake me. The mattress dips as he climbs in behind me and when he wraps his arm around my waist and tugs me close to his body, I love how normal this feels. Cole is fighting back against all his demons and he’s giving us a chance.

“You smell of bonfire and scotch,” I tell him with a sleepy smile.

“You want me to take a shower?” he checks.

“No, I like it.” I turn over and snuggle my head into his chest. “Did your meeting thing go good?” I let my fingers slide over his torso and the hair from his chest tickles my cheek.

“Yeah, it went well. Looks like Uncle Jimmer’s gonna help us with the Harvey situation, which is good. Having him on board gives us an edge.”

“That reminds me, I’ve been thinking about the address I found. I think we should check it out,” I mention casually.

“I don’t,” he tells me in that blunt tone of his.

“C’mon, Cole, this could be a lead. It could help us understand why this town is so important to Harvey. Nowthatwould be an edge.”

“Savannah, you ain’t a detective and making investigations into people like Harvey Marston is dangerous.” He sounds tired and irritated.

“I’m only suggesting we take a trip to the property and see who lives there.”

“No,” Cole tells me again with a firm tone.

“And why not?” I go to sit up and argue my point but he overpowers me, gripping my wrists above my head and rolling on top of me.

“Because I don’t know if you got the hint yet, but I kinda like you. I don’t want you involved in this shit.” He skims his nose over my cheek and tries to distract me with kisses. “I’ll have someone go check it out tomorrow,” he promises, and the idea of that pisses me off.