Page 3 of Reaching Limits

The Carson's living room is crammed with people, and just as I’m going around with a fresh tray of brownies I catch a glimpse of someone I was not expecting to see today.

“Dan, what are you doing here?” I march straight over to him and whisper under my breath.

“You said you were at a funeral, I came to check you were okay.” He strokes the top of my arm affectionately and I stare at his hand because despite it being familiar, it doesn’t feel right.

“Dan, I told you not to do this. You can’t be here today.”

“Savannah, I came here because I care about you. You looked sad when you left the diner yesterday.”

“I am sad. Dalton died, and you being here is inappropriate,” I snap and shove his hand away.

“I never meant for it to seem that way. Like I said, I’m only here to check up on you.” He leans forward to place a kiss on my forehead and when I quickly jerk back the tray of brownies I’m holding tips up and crashes to the floor. Suddenly, all eyes in the room are on us, including Cole’s, and when he puts down his glass tumbler and starts marching toward us I automatically step in front of Dan to protect him.

“Cole… He was ju?—”

“Did you know my brother?” He tilts his head, seething his eyes into Dan’s and I feel the heat from their anger.

“No, unfortunately I didn’t, but I do know Savannah and I came here to?—”

“Get out of our house.” Cole doesn’t give him a chance to finish his explanation.

“I was jus?—”

“I don’t give a fuck what you came here to do or say. Get the fuck out,” Cole interrupts him again.

“I never meant to offend anyone.” Dan holds his hands up defensively and slowly starts backing away.

“If I see you here again. I’ll fuckin’ kill you,” Cole threatens, and the look on his face suggests that he means it.

“Cole.” I step forward and when I place my hand on his solid chest I can feel his heart beating fast and strong. He looks down at where my fingers lay, coldly, and I have to focus really hard on what I’m supposed to be saying because it’s important. Sure, Dan coming here today was inconsiderate, but it doesn’t warrant a death threat.

Cole’s eyes rise from staring at my hand and when they meet with mine, they still have that cold, hard look inside them. Though, I swear I see a glimpse of the Cole I knew lurking behind all the hurt and aggression.

All the words I want to say won’t come out, and after we hold each other's gaze for a few seconds too long, he eventually backs away and heads for the kitchen.

“Let me show you out.” Wade steps forward and practically shoves Daniel out the front door, while Maisie moves beside me and wraps her arm around my shoulder.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen,” I apologize, feeling my cheeks burn and my whole body start to shake.

“It’s not your fault that he came here, but you will have to make a decision soon. Daniel’s a good guy. You can’t keep him waiting forever.”

“You know what I want, Maisie.” I look toward the kitchen door that Cole disappeared through.

“And you also made Garrett a promise. I know it breaks your heart but maybe you have to face up to the fact that you and Cole would never work.” I can see how hard it is for my best friend to admit that to me. Maisie is always the positive, upbeat one. She has a way of giving hope when there’s none to be found, but even she’s lost it for this situation. “Dan really does love you, Savannah. He’s sticking around because he still wants to try and make you and him work.”

“Maisie, I love you and you're my best friend. But you have no idea what me and Cole had.” I rush out the front door before the tears start.

Suddenly, I feel in desperate need for some air. I clench the wooden rail of the porch in frustration, then when I hear a loud slam I look around and notice Cole stomping his way from the back door toward the stable. My feet break the promise I made to Garrett when they start running toward him.

“Cole, please?” I call out and watch his body still when he hears my voice. He doesn’t turn around, which I figure will make what I have to say to him a little easier to get out but it doesn’t feel like enough.

“Cole, I know I promised I wouldn’t speak to you, but I need you to hear this.” I move so my body is standing in front of him, forcing him to look at me again. He keeps that hard exterior on his face, despite the thick lump I see him swallow.

“I don’t know what I did wrong, but if me being here hurts you and if it’s the reason that you don’t want to be around your family I’ll leave.” The thought devestate’s me, but Cole’s been through too much, and I won’t be another reason for his suffering.

“Is that what you want?” I bite my lip when he shows no sign of responding.

“What you said at the Line Camp was true, this is your home now. You have people you care about here. I would never ask you to leave that behind.” He shakes his head, still denying me any eye contact.