Page 17 of Reaching Limits

“Ain’t that the kinda thing you have to have a date for?” I ask, fully aware that my words are coming out a little slurred.I should really call Maisie and ask her to send one of the bunkhouse boys to get me.

“Yeah, and I was wonderin’ if maybe you’d be mine?” Leonard’s suggestion makes me snort with laughter so loud that the Tequila burns on its way out my nostrils.

“You’re askin’ me to the dance?” I check, slamming my hand on the bar and giggling.

“Yeah, I’m askin’.” The deadly serious look on his face turns my humor into nerves.

“Do you know how much trouble I’d be in if I did that?” I shake my head, still unable to believe what he’s suggesting.

“You owned by those Carson’s or something?” Leonard looks at me daringly.

“No, I’m not owned, but I’m loyal, and I know how much the Carson’s hate your family.” Now it’s my turn to get serious.

“I think letting me take you to this dance would show real strength and maturity. It’ll also prove to everyone in the town that, for one night, the Masons and the Carsons can put their feud aside.”

“All for the sake of fun?” I laugh to myself, though I can’t help finding a little sense in what he’s saying. Add to that the fact I know it would piss off Cole, and the drunker I’ve gotten makes that more appealing.

“Is that a yes?” Leonard smiles at me hopefully.

“For the sake of fun.” I bravely pick up my glass and cling it against his. Yeah, I’m dipping my toes in hot water, but I like how it feels.

“Great, I’ll pick you up at?—”

“I’ll meet you there,” I cut him off. Going to the dance with this guy is one thing, having him pick me up from the ranch is a step too far.

“Jesus, I need the bathroom.” I pick myself up off the stool, still shocked at what I’ve just agreed to. I can feel my headstarting to spin, but I’m not ready to go home yet. Going home will involve some serious questioning from Maisie about how things went with Daniel. Going home means facing up to the fact Cole keeps rejecting me.

“I’ll get us another round of drinks to celebrate our peace treaty.” Leonard flashes me a smile as I stumble toward the bathroom. I check my phone while I’m sitting on the toilet and notice five missed calls from Maisie. Then after doing what I came in here to do, I wash my hands and splash some water on my face. Steadying my hands on the basin unit, I stare at the vacant face reflecting back at me and laugh.

“What are you doing?” I giggle to myself. I can’t go to a barn dance with Leonard fuckin’ Mason, the guy’s enemy No1 at the Copper Ridge ranch. I need to head right back to that bar and tell him that I’m drunk and that I made a mistake. I slap my face a few times to sober myself up before pulling open the door and stepping back out into the barroom with a new-found confidence.

“What the fuck are ya doin’?” My body’s getting tugged sideways and I suddenly come face to face with all three of The River Boys.

“I’m cutting loose,” I tell the three very stern faces that are looking back at me.

“Zayne, take her home,” Noah orders, and the guy who Karina clearly has a crush on grabs the top of my arm as if he thinks he’s gonna march me out of here.

“Whoa, wait. I’m going nowhere.” I stand firm on my feet, at least I try to.

“You shouldn’t be talkin’ to him.” Noah stretches both his arms across the back of the booth he’s sitting in, and the judgmental snarl on his face makes me want to launch at him and claw out his eyeballs.

“I can talk to whoever I want. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get back to my friend.” I go to turn around but Zayne has already moved to block me.

“Friend?” I hear Noah laugh from behind me, and when Zayne lifts one of his jet-black eyebrows up at me, I roll my eyes in frustration.

“Maybe I should call Cole and tell him about yourfriend,” Noah adds, and I immediately turn around on my heels to face him again.

“Good idea, you do that, River Boy. You call Cole and tell him what the hell you like.”

“There a problem over here, darlin’?” Leonard appears from out of nowhere and stands himself beside me.

“No,” I assure him, focusing all my attention on Noah.

“Savannah here’s had a few too many drinks, I’m just doing the decent thing and ensuring she gets home safe.” Noah ignores the hatred in my stare as he leans across the table to stub out his cigarette.

“You can carry on enjoying your night, we got this.” He slides out of his booth and grabs my arm, ignoring the fact that Leonard is standing beside me as he starts to drag me toward the door.

“You ain’t takin’ her nowhere. I can get her ho—” Before Leonard can finish his sentence, Noah turns around and lands his fist on his jaw, causing him to stumble into a table behind him and knock glasses and bottles all over the floor.