Page 15 of Reaching Limits

“Your daughter showed bravery today.” I grip him round his throat and squeeze. “She traveled a long way so she could know you, and you treated her like a piece of shit.” The arrogant fucker don’t look fearless anymore.

“You sold your kid, and you've proven that despite having money you still don’t understand the value of something. Your daughter is the most beautiful, spirited, amazing person I have ever met and you would be lucky to have her in your life. This is your loss.” I release him and dust off my hands as I walk out the restaurant. I shouldn’t be surprised when I see her standing next to the door and staring at the scene in front of her in shock. Savannah Reynolds wasn’t born to follow orders.

“Come on, ain’t nothing good on the menu here.” I step past her and open the door. She looks between me and the chaos I left behind on her father’s table before she quickly follows me out.

She’s quiet for most of the journey home and spends a lot of it sleeping. I like it when Savannah sleeps, it gives me the chance to appreciate her without having to hide how utterly obsessed I am with her.

I get that my little speech back at the restaurant makes me a hypocrite and I’m surprised she hasn’t pulled me up on it yet, but our situation is different. It’s not that I don’t want to know Savannah, everything I’ve come to know about her I’ve fallenhelplessly in love with. I’m scared to know any more in case I fall any deeper.

Me putting distance between us is all for her sake. She doesn’t understand it all right now but I’m doing her a favor. I just wish doing the decent thing didn’t have to hurt so fuckin’ bad.

She starts to stir just as I’m pulling up outside the ranch, and she smiles at me sleepily when she opens her eyes.

“Home sweet home,” I tell her, my fingers twitching to reach over and stroke her cheek.

“How long was I out for?” She stretches out her body and yawns at the same time.

“About two hours. I hope Josie saved you some supper.” I smile at her. It’s dark outside but the lights inside the house are still on so I know she’ll have company when she gets inside.

“Thank you.” She rushes the words out of her mouth. “I don’t know what I would have done without you today. My father?—”

“Your father’s a dick. He don’t deserve the title,” I interrupt her, still wishing I had more time to make him hurt.

“You're right about that.” She laughs sadly. “But it doesn’t change how grateful I am that you were there for me.”

I wish I could tell her that I’ll always be there for her. I wish I never had to put this barrier up between us, and that I could comfort her the way she deserves. But I am who I am and I have to protect her from that, at all costs. Even if it means letting someone else be her comfort tonight.

“Cole.” She shimmies across the seat to get closer, and suddenly it feels like my own breath is choking me.

“Don’t do it, Savannah,” I warn, knowing where this is heading.

“I just wish you’d tell me why. We were good together. We were having fun. I’ve explained about Daniel… He was—” Her hand lifts up to frame my face.

“This isn’t about Daniel, it’s about me.” I tense my fists.


“Because you deserve so much better than who I am and what I can offer ya.” I find enough strength to take her wrist and pull it away.

“It’s not about what you can offer me, Cole. I want you.” Her voice trembles with sadness and it makes me feel no better than her fuckin’ father right now.

“I’m sorry. Believe me when I say that.” I do the only thing I can do and get out of the truck, lifting her bag from the back before I move around and open her door for her.

“It’s a shame, isn’t it?” she tells me as she slides out of her seat and places her feet on the ground. “We could be each other's healing, Cole, and for once, it’s not me being the stubborn one.” She places a soft kiss on my cheek before she walks away, and I touch my fingers to where it lingers as I watch her inside, hating myself a little more when I don’t chase after her.

Istep into the guest house reception and smile at Fiona when she waddles down the stairs to greet me. She’s expecting her second child and although they are due the same month, she’s much rounder then Leia is.

“Here for Daniel?” She places her cleaning caddy on the reception and puffs.

“Yeah, is he here?”

“He’s playing cards in the lounge bar with one of our other guests. I’m sure he won’t mind you interrupting.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me and just as I’m about to head off to find him, a thought pops into my mind.

“You wouldn’t be looking for anyone to help out around here, would you? I was thinking that with another little one on the way things must be getting tough.”

Fiona looks surprised by my suggestion at first, but I can see the cogs in her brain start turning.

“I’ll speak to Graham about that.” She nods thoughtfully, and I can tell from the look on her face that she’s keen on the idea. The guest house is always busy and the workload can’t be easy.