Page 12 of Reaching Limits

Ispend the next few hours roaming unknown streets, smoking cigarette after cigarette, hoping it’ll fix my head. Coming here was a bad idea, but I couldn’t let her do this alone. And she’s right… I do care. I care a hell of a lot, but that can’t change anything. Why is Savannah determined to break me? And why have I opened myself up to it by giving in to temptation?

I get back to the hotel and look up to where our room is from outside. I wonder if she’s sleeping, or if she’s reeling in the same frustration that I am. I wish I didn’t have to go back up there, it’s hard being in a confined space with her because she’s right about another thing too. There is something between us that draws us together. Something that’s too hard to fight, and I know I'll end up giving into it eventually. I almost did when I had her pinned against that window. Somethin’ about the smell of her hair and the way her breath hitched when I got close almost made me weak enough to forget that she needs saving.

I’m hoping that tomorrow, when she meets her birth father, it will put some closure on the situation she’s in and she’ll go home to her parents. Maybe she’ll marry Dan and give herself a shot at that happy life she deserves.

I head up to our room and tap my knuckle against the door. She leaves me waiting long enough to assume she’s fallen asleep,then just as I’m about to knock a little harder the door flies open. She’s got a stern yet stunning look on her face as she steps away and gets back into her bed, immediately turning her back to me. The boy shorts and tank top she’s wearing look so damn cute on her and I can’t let that be a distraction from what I need to say.

“I’m sorry.” She shocks the hell out of me when she beats me to it. “You're here doing a nice thing for me and it was bratty of me to say what I said.”

I step closer, placing my hat on my bed as I pass it before crouching down beside hers.

“It’s okay, darlin’.” I manage to pause my hand before it touches her shoulder. “I’m the one who should be sorry. I should’ve never started anything with ya in the first place. Just know my intention was never to hurt you.” I’m about to back away but she suddenly turns around, her eyes glistening with unshed tears that make ‘em look so pretty that it causes physical pain.

“Please don’t be sorry for that. You can regret everything else, Cole, but not that.”

Just lookin’ at her makes my heart break and damn her for reminding me that it’s there, still beating despite all it’s been through.

“I said I was sorry for it, not that I regretted it.” I can’t stop staring at her lips, thinking about how easy it would be to kiss ‘em. I can’t think of a single thing I want more than that right now.

“I’m scared… about tomorrow,” she admits, suddenly looking vulnerable.

“That’s why I’m here, Red.” I smile at her, sitting my ass on the floor and resting my back against my bed.

“What if he’s mad at me for finding him? People put their kids up for adoption for a reason. What if he just wanted to forget me?”

“Then he’s an idiot. People have plenty of reasons for wanting to give up a child. You know from living with Maisie and Garrett how much hard work they are. Not everyone is at the right time of their lives to cope with that. But you're not a kid, Savannah, you're a grown woman. A kinda awesome one.” I love that a smile lights up her tear-filled eyes. I love even more that I’m the cause of it. “If this man don’t wanna know you, then he’s gonna be missing out on somethin’ real special,” I assure her.

“And there you go again,” she whispers as she wipes away her tears. “You know just the right thing to say. You're a good person, Cole, and it’s tragic that you don't believe that.” She smiles at me sadly before she rolls back over, and I remain sitting on the floor staring at her back and wishing that everything could be different.

“Do I look okay?” I stare at myself in the wardrobe mirror and fluff my hair for the tenth time.

“You look just fine,” Cole assures me, also for the tenth time.

It’s 10 am, my dad is bound to be in his office by now, and I’m really starting to doubt my plan.

I know I’m doin’ the right thing but putting it into practice isn’t so easy.

“You ready?” Cole opens the lobby door for me and when he holds out his hand, I feel a strong sense of comfort as I take it.

“I guess.” I nod back bravely and let him lead me down to where his truck is parked.

We drive for about half an hour due to the traffic, and Cole parks as close to the building as he can get. I reach to hold Cole’s hand again as we head toward the huge tower block building together. My stomach is in knots, and I can feel myself shaking as we walk through the foyer of the building and take the elevator to the 9th floor where his office is.

“You got this, just be yourself.” Cole gives me one last confidence boost before the door pings open and we step out into a bustling office.

I try not to get overwhelmed as I make my way to the reception desk in front of us, and when the smartly dressedblonde woman finishes the call she’s on, she looks at me expectantly. I struggle to find my voice when she asks how she can help.

“We’re here to see Mr. Heaton.” I force the words from my dry mouth.

“Do you have an appointment?” she asks politely.

“Ummm. No, but it is important.” The woman must pick up on my nerves because she smiles sympathetically as she scans the screen in front of her.

“Let me talk to him before his eleven o’clock gets here. See what I can do. Who shall I say is here?”

“Oh ummm. Maisie… Maisie Carson.” I say the first name that pops to my head and Cole looks at me like I’ve lost the plot as she disappears down one of the corridors

“What? I couldn’t exactly give my own name, could I?” I whisper, before closing my eyes and reminding myself to breathe. My palms are really clammy now and it feels like the nerves in my chest are suffocating me. It would be so easy to turn around and run back to that elevator. When my body starts to do just that, Cole immediately stands up in front of me and forms a barrier.