Page 10 of Reaching Limits

“6 am.” I raise my hat before leading Rebel back toward the gate. I guess the cattle drive will have to go ahead without me.

Ihave to keep telling myself that it doesn’t mean anything so I don’t get my hopes up, but the tiny side glances he’s giving me as he drives and the fact the silence between us is electric with tension makes it hard for me not to read into the fact Cole is doing this with me.

“Does your father know you're coming?” We’ve been on the road for over an hour before he attempts to speak to me.

“No, I thought I’d shoot with the element of surprise.” I shrug.

“So, what? You're just gonna turn up at this guy’s office and say, hey I’m your daughter?” Cole chuckles to himself, and it reminds me of how much I enjoy being around him.

“Is that so crazy?”

“Yeah, but it’s typical of you so it’s a solid plan.” He keeps his eyes on the road and I can’t help smiling at his comment. Despite all the hurt and heartbreak, I like Cole most when he’s being his brutally honest self.

“Don’t pretend you don’t love my chaos, Cole Carson. It’s why you're doin’ this with me.” He looks across at me and doesn’t confirm nor deny. He just looks sad.

We arrive at the hotel I booked for myself yesterday, just before nightfall, and the fact it’s only a twenty-minute carjourney from my real dad’s office building has me starting to feel nervous.

“Savannah Reynolds,” I tell the receptionist as Cole carries both our bags into the foyer, his eyes are searching around the place like he’s never been in a hotel before.

“Sorry, I was on a budget and I had no idea you were coming when I booked. I did call ahead and ask to get a twin room.” I smile awkwardly at him as I hand my credit card over to the receptionist. Last thing I want is for Cole to think this is part of a plan. How was I supposed to know he’d offer to come here with me? I wasn’t prepared for it. But I’m glad he did.

“I’m sorry, Miss, but that's been declined.” The receptionist looks embarrassed for me as she hands the card back over the desk.

“It can’t be, can you try again please?” I can feel my face burning up. This can’t be happening, not after Cole drove us all this way.

“I got it.” Cole’s deep voice comes from behind me, and I watch in shame as he takes out his wallet and pays the woman in cash.

“You're in room 305, the elevator’s to the left,” she tells us with a smile as she hands over a keycard. Cole says nothing, just picks up our bags and waits for me to lead the way.

“Thanks for that.” I smile when we’re in the elevator and on our way up to our room.

“Ain’t a problem.” He keeps his eyes focused on the digital number above the door as it rises.

“My parents cut me off after I left,” I start to explain, feeling ridiculous.

I’m twenty-two years old, for Christ's sake. I shouldn’t be relying on my parents for money. I’ve come to realize that it’s exactly how they wanted things to be. It explains why they never let me get a job like the other kids did when I was at college.They insisted I should focus on my studies when, in reality, they just wanted to control me financially. I’m as much to blame for letting it happen as they are.

“You don’t have to explain.” Cole’s still staring at the number as if he’s willing it to move faster.

“I’ll pay you back soon as we get home,” I assure him.

“Savannah, I said it’s fine.”

“I should probably get a job when we get back to Fork River, right?” I giggle, trying my best to break the tension and when the door finally pings open, Cole immediately steps out, marching down the long corridor and looking for our room. He stands and waits when he finds room 305 and I use the key card to let us in.

It’s more spacious than I imagined and has a great view over the city. I’m also relieved to see that my request for twin beds has been granted. Cole doesn’t give me the courtesy of asking which bed I want, he places his overnight bag on the bed closest to the door then excuses himself to take a shower.

It’s been a long day of traveling, and I know if I lie out on the bed I’ll end up falling asleep. So instead, I hang up the dress I plan to meet my father in tomorrow, and look out at the bustle of the city.

My head automatically spins around when I hear the bathroom door click open, and seeing Cole standing in front of me in just a towel takes me off guard.

“I…um, the view’s good.” I try to take my eyes off his strong, muscular body, but I can’t stop myself from remembering how good it felt to be under it.

“I… mean of the city. Not you… Not that there's anything—” I give up trying to recover myself. The man’s got me tongue tied and he knows it. He unzips his bag and throws on a clean T-shirt, one that’s tight enough for me to still appreciate his muscles through, then he manages to get his underwear on beneath the towel, all with my eyes still shamelessly watching him.

“We gonna grab some dinner?” he asks, pulling on some fresh jeans.

“Yeah, sure, I was just gonna freshen up myself first.” I keep my head down as I pass him on the way to the bathroom, trying real hard not to look at what he’s packing under the denim. Cole coming here was a nice thing for him to do for me. It shows he still cares, and I shouldn’t be exploiting it.