Page 5 of Reaching Limits

Iscrub at the red paint on Aubrey’s headstone viciously, hoping it will take away some of my anger. I don’t know how I managed to keep my cool when I saw it earlier and I know for sure that it was done purposely to bait me. Mason knew we would be here and that emotions would be high for us today. That bastard has been trying to ruin Garrett’s campaign ever since it started and he would have convinced himself that this would break me. I guess that’s the reason I showed no reaction at all. I kept it all locked away inside with everything else.

The paint is oil-based, so the cold water I have is doin’ nothin’ to erase the wordwhorethat’s been written big and bold across the granite. The tears that burn at my eyes are out of pain and rage, a lethal combination that has to remain trapped inside me because I’ve already done enough damage to my family.

I believe in what Garrett says, we will have our revenge on the Masons’ I just wish it could come sooner so I could release some of the pressure.

“You saw it, then.” I whip my head around when I hear a voice come from behind me, and I’m surprised when I see Tate holding a rucksack.

“Course I fuckin’ saw it.” I keep on scrubbing.

“I bought this.” He crouches down and takes out a bottle of rubbing alcohol, and I snatch it from his hand along with the dry rag he’s holding.

“You think this was done to get a reaction?” He watches me get back to work and I’m relieved when the alcohol seems to be working.

“Course it fuckin’ was.” I focus on the name engraved beneath the cruel word and remind myself how badly I let her down.

“You did good.” Tate rests his back against the headstone next door and lights himself a smoke.

“I don’t need a pat on the back,” I assure him. Wondering what I’m supposed to do with all the frustration I’m holding on to.

“I know that.” He nods his head thoughtfully.

“Tate, what the fuck ya doin’ here?” I stop what I’m doing and turn my head. I get that he wears the brand and that we all look out for each other, but this here is personal.

“I didn’t want it to still be there when you came back,” he admits. “I didn’t really know the girl, but I know what’s written on there ain’t true and I knew it would anger the fuck outta ya. I guess I was just playin’ my part.”

“How d’ya know I come here?” I ask him. I haven’t told anyone about the visits I make to Aubrey’s grave.

“Because you loved her, and being here makes you feel close to her. I’ll bet some days you wish you could crawl into the ground and be with her because life on this side of the dirt feels a little too painful.”

“I used to,” I admit, starting to wonder if Tate’s a fuckin’ mind reader.

“And now?” he asks.

“And now life on this side of the dirt feels like the hell I deserve to be in. Aubrey was too pure for this world, and she wastoo pure for me,” I say quietly as I erase more of the red smears from her name.

“And it has nothing to do with that fiery redhead back at the ranch.” Tate raises his eyebrows suspiciously.

“Don’t talk about her here.” I swallow angrily.

“You don’t think Aubrey would want you to be happy?” He continues to goad me.

“Fuck off, Tate,” I warn because I’m not safe to be around right now.

“Sure thing, boss.” He admits defeat, getting up and squeezing my shoulder before he starts to walk away.

“Tate,” I call out before he leaves. I don’t turn around, I just keep staring at her name.

“What were youreallydoin’ here?” I ask him again, having my suspicions.

“Maybe I know what it’s like to lose someone too,” he tells me and when I gather enough strength to turn around and ask him who, he’s gone.

“This is how you’re gonna make up for being a jerk.” Wade slaps a flier against the hay bale I’m about to lift on to the back of my truck.

“The Fork River Barn Dance.” I look at him and wait for him to start laughing because this has to be a fuckin’ joke. When his face remains serious I force myself to laugh. “Wade, it’s far too early in the day for this shit and and I ain’t in the mood.” I force his hand away and carry on loading.

“C’mon, we all gotta go to this thing anyway. You might as well ask her, and start fixing what you broke.”

“Ask who?” I play dumb because it’s my only defense.