Page 31 of Reaching Limits

“Looks like you’ve been busy.” I watch Wade and Garrett tuck in to the brownies she’s brought with her.

“Yeah, well I bake when I’m happy.” She reaches up so her arms wrap around my neck and when I kiss her, I notice the amused look my brothers exchange. I don’t give a shit how funny the two of them are finding my change in behavior, the fact Savannah’s happy after all the hurt I’ve caused her is all that matters.

“Come on, Wade, let’s get back to work.” Garrett picks up a second brownie from the basket before heading back toward the ladder.

“Maisie said don’t be too long. She’s leaving the babies with Josie while we go to that spa on the lake,” Savannah calls after him.

“I’ll only be another hour, I got a shit ton of campaign work to try and figure,” he assures her.

“Spa, huh?” I raise my eyebrow at her when she turns her attention back to me. “Yeah, Maisie got some vouchers. Perks of being the future major’s wife, I guess.”

“Sounds like fun.” I like the idea of her relaxing and having a good time.

“It would be your idea of hell.” She laughs, proving that she’s got me all figured. “This place is really coming along.” She looks up at the cabin.

“Wade’s been workin’ every spare hour on it.” I reach my hands around her ass and use it to lift her up onto the hood.

“Maisie’s worried about Garrett.” Her face suddenly turns serious.

“Is that the real reason you're out here, thinking you’d do a little undercover work?”

“No, the real reason I’m out here is to see you.” Her legs anchor around me and make it impossible for me not to think about having her, right here, right now on my sister-in-law’s truck.

“Listen, he’s just worried about this Harvey situation,” I explain, hoping it will pacify her, the last thing I wanna talk about right now is another fucker who I want dead.

“Garrett told Maisie he thinks there's more to this town that interests Harvey than what he’s telling him.” She doesn’t give up easy and I shake my head and sigh.

“Garrett’s had Zayne do his thing and nothing came up.” I shrug.

“Yeah, well a wise man once said that you can’t always rely on technology. Sometimes you have to dig a little deeper. Leave it with me.” She kisses the end of my nose before sliding off the hood and back on her feet.

“Oh no. You are not getting involved in this.” I grab her hand when she reaches to take the basket she bought, and she uses her free one to pick out a brownie, then shove it in my mouth to silence me.

“I am simply doing a bit of research, it’s time I made myself useful around here.” She gives me that irritating smile before she hops back inside the truck.

“Sav, it’s useless.” I rest my arm over the open window beside her. “Zayne knows what he’s doing. If he couldn’t find anything?—”

“Maybe Zayne’s been looking in the wrong places.” She winks as she starts the engine.

“Savannah, if Harvey knows we’re looking into him, it could cause a whole world of shit,” I warn her.

“Then I’ll make sure he doesn’t find out.” She kisses me, pulling the sunshades down from her hair to cover her eyes before she makes a huge turn and takes off back down the track toward home. All I can do is shake my head and watch her drive off.

“That was cute,” Wade calls down from the rafter he’s sitting on.

“Fuck off.” I flip him off before I get back to work myself.

“I genuinely mean it. It’s good to see ya happy, bro. This time last month I’d never have believed it was possible for any of us.” The smile drops from his face when I guess thoughts of Mom and losing Dalton come to his head. “You ever wonder where she is now?” He looks out across all the land we own thoughtfully.

“I try not to,” Garrett admits.

“You ever regret the decision we made?” Wade asks, biting his palm as if he’s got a splinter stuck in it, but I know it’s to avoid looking at us. He was always the one who had all the hope in her changing.

“All the time,” Garrett admits. “But then I remember why we did and I like the fact that it’s what separates us from her.”

I feel his words settle heavy in my stomach and realize that no matter how happy I allow myself to be, the guilt of my past ain’t ever gonna go away. That's a burden I’ll take to my grave with me.

“Is this really necessary?” I cross my arms and huff at Tate as he drives me into town. I thought I’d been clever when I made my excuses not to go to the spa, but he intercepted me on my way out the yard. And now it appears this bunkhouse boy is coming on my little mission with me.