Page 29 of Reaching Limits

“You want juice, sweetie?” I call across to him as he plates me up some bacon and eggs from the buffet table.

“Please, darlin’,” he nods, planting a kiss on my cheek as he places the plate in front of me then returns to fix his own. I notice that everyone is still staring when I pick up my cutlery.

“Looks good, don’t it?” Cole sits down and reaches over Garrett for the ketchup, and if he notices the fact that everyone observing is gobsmacked he doesn’t show it.

“Are we missing something?” Leia’s the first one to break the silence.

“Nope, I don’t think so.” Cole shows a little of his playful side when he looks at me and frowns, I can’t but help smile.

Everyone continues to eat their breakfast, looking suspicious and unnerved, and when all the plates are finally empty Garrett stands up, followed by Wade and Cole.

“Excuse us, ladies, there’s work to be done.” Garrett has a smirk on his face as he places his hat on his head then leansover to kiss his wife. Wade does the same to Leia and when Cole bends down and kisses me long, hard, and with tongues in front of his whole family I actually feel myself go giddy.

“Ladies.” He tips the brim of his hat politely before heading out the door and leaving me with Leia and Maisie’s stares.

“Girl, you have got some talking to do.” Leia stands up and makes her way over to the buffet table to reload her plate.

“Let’s just say we came to an agreement last night.” I shrug, letting the big goofy smile I’ve been holding in spread across my mouth. It felt real good waking up next to Cole this morning, and now that he’s finally come to his senses he seems much happier too.

“Savannah, when you left the dance you looked ready to murder him.” Maisie still looks shocked.

“Oh, I was,” I assure her. I can’t remember a time when I’ve ever been so mad. “But we ended up making love in the shower. Then again inside the cabin. Then?—”

“Okay, okay we get it.” Leia screws up her nose as she maneuvers herself to get back in her seat. “So what made him… so different.” She looks confused.

“I’m not gonna lie. I was a mess when I showed up at the Line Camp. I’d stopped being angry during the journey there. I was hurt and frustrated. Instead of pushing me away, he comforted me. We did some talking and he agreed to stop fighting against what it is we have,” I explain topping up my glass with more juice.

“Just like that?” Leia looks like she has reservations.

“Just like that,” I confirm, realizing that it probably sounds a little too good to be true, but I know Cole meant what he said, I could tell by the way he clung to me while he slept last night.

“Thank goodness for that.” Maisie sighs with relief.

“So is he moving back in here?” Leia asks.

“Let’s not run before we can walk, Leia, I think it’s best we take things at his pace, he’s been through a lot.”

“That’s a sensible idea and this is the best news.” Maisie gets up and rounds the table so she can hug me.

“You’ll be knocked up by the end of the month,” Leia comments as she chews around her sausage.

“Absolutely not,” I shake my head firmly. “You won’t catch me in an elasticated waistband any time soon, and I’m pretty sure babies are not part of Cole’s big plan.”

“Are they part of yours?” Maisie asks, looking worried again.

“Maisie, my big plan is to be happy. And right now I couldn’t be happier. I love being here. I love you guys and I love him.”

“Well, in that case, I think we should celebrate. Those women from the town council I had to spend all that time talking to last night gave me some vouchers for the health spa her sister owns on Pemberry Lake. I’m sure Josie will watch the babies for a few hours.”

“Look at mama bear getting all brave.” It’s good to see my friend getting her confidence back.

“Garrett’s working in his office this afternoon, so he’ll be here. And last night made me realize that I have to start trusting people again.

“Amen to that.” I lift up my glass.

“Do those spa vouchers cover the restaurant too?” Leia asks.

“And do you think about anything else other than food these days?” I laugh.