Page 7 of Twisted Kings

The harsh words about my appearance, none of it matters. Because I’m here, I’m safe and finally free. The past is firmly behind me, and nothing that the duke, or his child, throws at me will shake me.

The grounds are moreextensive than I had ever imagined. There’s a vineyard, three tennis courts, an Olympic-sized pool, a clubhouse, a stable, turn-out paddocks, two horseback riding arenas (one covered and one not), and over thirty acres of forested trails to ride or hike on. Or take an ATV or golf cart since our first stop is the storage shed, where I’m loaded into one of the aforementioned golf carts and given a brief tour of the grounds. The California sun would be beating down on me unmercilessly if it wasn’t for the golf cart sheltering the two of us. My eyes are wide the whole way because the amount of wealth is, well, eye-watering.

I can feel her watching me carefully as she drives, and all I can think is that she must be baking in her suit.

“So what’s the uniform look like?” I ask as we pull back up to the small house near the front gate where I interviewed. It looks like a cottage now compared to everything I’ve just seen.

“Comfortable and suitable for working with a small child,” she says simply. “You won’t need to worry about doing your own laundry here, as the other staff takes care of that, but do keep in mind that our resources aren’t endless, so try not to go traipsing after Lady Madeline into the mud.” She gives me a good looking over as I sit on the padded golf cart seat. “Actually, remember to keep Lady Madelineoutof the mud entirely.”

“Got it,” I say, slipping off the seat as it’s obvious we’re parked and done with the brief tour. “So the duke’s daughter—”

“Lady Madeline,” she supplies as I follow her back inside, the cool air and terra-cotta tile underfoot instantly chilling me. I’ve gotten sweaty outside, and I hope she doesn’t notice. It seems like I have the job in the bag, but I don’t want anything to give her pause. Not until I’ve got my contract signed and my first paycheck in the bank.

No, my first five paychecks.

“I’m supposed to call her Lady Madeline all the time?” I’m right behind her, so I have to slam on the brakes when she turns around abruptly, one hand going to her hip as she stares at me like I’m some alien creature or insect instead of the nanny shejusthired.

“Did you pay no attention in your high school Civics and Nobility class?” She demands, and I feel my cheeks heating up in pure defiance of the cold, air-conditioned air in the cottage.


She makes a noise in the back of her throat, cutting me off, half-tsk, half-annoyance.

“I’ll make sure that book is included in amongst your study materials,” she says with a sigh. “Truthfully, if—” she pauses from whatever she is about to tell when a man a few years younger than me hurries into the room, his cheeks red-patched and puffed.

“They’re canceling the rest of the trip and coming right back,” he says before seeing me and doing a double-take. “Is this—”

“The new nanny, yes,” she says with irritation, although it’s not directed at him. “Coming back immediately? Alright, make sure you speak to Avery, and ask him if there’s anything that needsto be prepared other than stopping the repairs on the primary suite.”

She turns back to me as the young man boils out of the room at a flat run, and I wonder if they’ve, like, heard of cell phones. Or even walky-talkies.

The question must be on my face because she purses her lips.

“Yes, there are more advanced ways than running hither and thither all over the property, but those can be intercepted. His grace’s travel plans are guarded secretly, and we do our best to keep them out of technology’s hands as much as possible.”

“Oh,” I say, “Okay, well, it sounds like you’re about to have your hands full so, do you need me to do anything?”

She seems to draw herself up to her full height at my words, chest puffing out.

“Do you think this is the first time that his grace and the rest of the household returned, unexpectedly early?” She asks, and I’ve stepped in it. Whoops.

I lift my hands up to wave them in apology.

“No, no, I just wanted to be useful,” I say, “if I’m starting right away.”

She gives me an aborted glare and then turns back to her desk, opening a drawer and withdrawing a thick stack of paper.

“Read your contract,” she says, and stay here until I come for you. It should take you some time, so I’ll be back in about an hour.”

She points to a door to her left.

“There is the restroom if you have need of it while I’m gone.” She buzzes over to the door as I take my seat, the comfortable leather creaking under me again. I reach for the stack of paperwork.

But she doesn’t leave. Instead she hovers in the doorway, and I glance over at her, confused.

“Do not go anywhere other than this building until you have that paperwork signed,” she says, eyes severe.

“Okay, I won’t. Not a problem,” I say, already flipping through the top sheet. She nods once and then disappears. I hear her footsteps fading into the distance and the door swinging shut with a click.