Page 35 of Tiebreaker

I knew he was having trouble coming out of the closet but bringing a beard along. That's embarrassing. And a coffee jockey on top of it. I can see the back of Everett's head from here. We're almost there.

I should really get going, I say. He laughs What is he paying you by the minute. His voice drops down. Are you sucking his cock. Does it help him pretend that he doesn't want me.

His eyes half lid and a righteous indignant fury swells up in my chest. It spreads out to my arm and before I realized that I'm cracking him right across the face. The sound echoes in the tall room off the walls and the pillars. And as I exhale everyone turns to look at us. The room stills movement stops. Everyone is watching. And then the crowd I see his face. Furious bright red with anger. Everett. Oh god. The one thing he said, Don't embarrass me too late.



Everett dragsme out of the party like an unruly child by the wrist. The only difference is I'm not kicking and screaming I'm happy to leave

black dress is too tight around me and I feel like I can't breathe. You're lucky you got out of there without an assault charge.

He growls at me, as we wait for the limo. Life was easier before. When I mostly got around on my two feet. Now I'm always waiting for cars to pick me up.

I'm not sure why expect a private vehicle to be on time instantly. It's not like they disappear, and then went back into existence as soon as I need them. There are people too.

Well he figured out your little charade. I say acidly. Maybe if you'd prepared me more for tonight, or would have had information.

Like, what you do for business or how you started your company. If you even started it. He makes an annoying noise. What's that supposed to mean

I can't help it, it comes out of me like verbal vomit. Well it's obvious you've never had to struggle for it. The company was built before you were even around. Not like Kai, he built his career on his own. That gets a really hysterical noise out of him and he looks

amused as well as angry at the same time. Is that what you think, is that what he told you

he made it on his own. Everett asks, looking smug. Oh, you have no idea at all, do you little girl

shakes his head. I glared at him. What are you talking about, I say.

He got signed to a sweetheart deal on a record label. Everett says, Who do you think owns that record label. a silent investment partner. He smirks IV equity. His career was bought and paid for by the very company. He pretends to hate that he walked away from

and left more responsible people to deal with while he went off and played Rockstar. My lips part. That's not true. I say, of course it is. He replies but don't ask him he doesn't even fucking now, he looks up the sky. A smile curving his lips. It would destroy him if he knew that he didn't get where he was on merit. But on nepotism. He thinks I'm the one who was spoiled, and raised the silver spoon. He thinks exactly like you that I never had to work extra hard for what I have. It's gonna be funny when I finally tell him. He laughs quietly to himself. You're such an asshole I say, and I want to change the subject. Because I'm horrified. Does Kai really not know is ever planning on telling him just to destroy his whole self image. You know, if you had given me some more information about yourself, or told me what was said when I met your parents, that kind of thing. I would have been ready and said you just threw me to the wolf. And he saw through it.

He knows that. We're not dating effort shrugs. It doesn't matter now. I don't really fucking care. Let me store it. What happened when you met my parents he asks sounding condescending. That's a little rich, thinking that you would ever be allowed to meet my parents,

my cheeks burn red hot and painful shows what you know I say Kai's offered me to meet his parents. Oh, he has ever asks his voice going dangerous, the limo arrives. And I fall quiet. As I get inside smoothing my dress down over my knees. Everett sets at the other end of the limo pouring himself a glass of whiskey. From the minibar. And he drinks it slowly looking out the window at the lights of LA. He's silhouetted in Golden and yellow light. What would you do to keep me from telling him. He comments softly. What I ask, what would you do if I told you,

I wouldn't talk to him about the record label. My brain stutters for a second. I'd be glad I said. He doesn't deserve to have his ego shattered just because you're a jerk. Ever it turns to me. Looking his lower lip. I said, What would you do not how would you feel. He comments softly, his eyes glinting dangerously he sets his whiskey down and shifts across the seat. Reaching for me. That's when I realized what he means. Come here. He says, and spreads his legs, my gaze drops between his legs. And I can see the bulge of his cock against his pants. I don't think so.

I reply. I'm fine over here. He lets out of breath, slow and unsteady.

“Yes, you really are,” he comments. And I don't think he's talking to me. He's talking to himself. He moves fast like a wolf. And he's on me, pinning me against the back of the seat.

He’s got two hands up my dress, his finger stroking over me through my panties, and I panted hotly, air escaping my mouth in a moan.

“You’re mine,” he mutters, yanking my panties to the side, and I cry out as his fingers slid inside me, two of them, with no warning. The stretch is intense and bordering on painful, and he shoves my dress up over my stomach, pulling me down along the leather seats. I slide, trapped in his embrace as his mouth ghosts over my pussy, tongue flicking over me.

“Oh god,” I try to grab onto the leather seats but he bites into my thigh.

“Hands on my head,” he says, “keep me right where you need me. I want to feel how bad you need it.”

My fingers shake as I lace them through his hair and his mouth returns, tonguing at my clit until I press down, doing exactly what he asks.

Keeping him right here, between my thighs, his fingers working in and out of me, curving up and taunting me. The sensations are so intense that I’m shuddering toward an intense orgasm that’s about to steal all my breath away.

And then he bites, lightly, teeth a counterpoint of pain that makes my thighs wrap hard around his shoulders, and I scream.

It’s too much. It shoves me right over into that threatening orgasm, and he slides a third finger inside of me just as I start coming around him.