How did this happen? I shake with the thrill and shudder of him fucking me and filling me.
He says something under his breath that I'm the best he's ever had or I'm so fucking tight or something.
His hands start rubbing rough, tight circles on the mound of my pussy, his fingers having slipped out just before he slipped in, but he’s never stopped touching me.
He drags his fingers through my folds, and up over my panties. They’re still wrenched to the side, the fabric tight against my thigh.
“I need to get you there,” he breathe, lifting me up a little bit. He presses me, holding me against the door with just his bodyweight, my toes grazing the ground, just barely scraping the floor.
I’m weightless, and he's holding me like that. One hand wrapped around my thigh bracing me as he fucks me hard, his other hand rubs circles against my lower stomach. Slow circles, a move that's hot and teasing all at the same time. My focus is pulled in every direction, but it narrows down to that bright pinpoint of light inside me… that heat. The driving need. It’s forcing me not to tell him to stop. He can't stop. I need this. His hips jerk, over and over again, as he thrust into me and I cry out, desperate to come again.
With a groan, he stops, buried deep inside of me, his hips finally stilling his body holding mine. I can barely breathe compressed between the door and his chest. And his thumb grazes my clit ass he licks up the shell of my ear. With a helpless shudder, I fall over the edge, a second orgasm roaring through my body.
I can't hear him. The world whites out, and everything is focused on that single point of pleasure inside of me. Nothing else matters. I’m riding it out. It’s all I am. I can't even hear myself.
And then it breaks; the world crashes around me, coming back in to the present. I’m gasping for breath, shuddering in the aftermath.
I'm soaked down there, and he slides out of me with a wet sound. I flinch at the noise, a flare of arousal inside of me, in the part of me that should be dead, but obviously isn’t.
His hand slips from my head, and my feet hit the ground. My muscles are shaking, and I lean there, against the door. I don't know what to say to him.
My whole body is, tingling with shock, the aftermath of arousal, and the rush of endorphins.
“Shit that was good,” he says, and then presses a rough kiss to the side of my face. His lips are warm on my cool skin, and I shudder. “I’m sorry, babe, but I gotta go do it. Fans are waiting. Jenna will come in and take care of things.”
I turn as he zips up his jeans and I just stare at him. He pauses, frowning. For a moment I think he’s going to ask me if I’m okay. He’s going to see it on my face, that this wasn’t what was supposed to happen.
Instead, his eyes run up and down my body and he reaches over and carefully smooths down my dress.
“There,” he says “it's like nothing ever happened.” He winks, playful. He thinks he's being charming. Which he is, he would be, if I wasn’t completely shell-shocked. I wasn’t sure before, but now I’m pretty convinced he thinks that I was willing. That I was here for this purpose, to sleep with him. To be waiting for him.
Kai Brooks saunters out of the room the way he came, a swagger in his step that I just put there, unwillingly, accidentally.
He has no idea that he just raped me.
My whole bodyis in shock. The cold air outside the venue is sending me into shivers compounding the ones from what just happened.
After Kai left the room, Jenna came back and handed me a packet of baby wipes and an envelope with $3,000 cash in it. She didn't meet my eyes with her own gaze.
Instead, she just pointed to the fire door, and told me that it would take me out to the alley.
And, if I could please make sure I was gone within 30 minutes that would be appreciated. A sour taste hovers in the back of my mouth, and an uncertain feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I cleaned up and got the fuck out of there.
Now I stand in the alley and gulp in lungfuls of air, my knees weak and my thighs still damp from wet-wipes. To think freedom was so close, but I hadn't had a chance to try and find it.
And now here I am. The world feels gigantic, the skinny alley dirty and small. But it's where I belong, hiding here like a wounded animal. The world beyond it is too big for me.
I lean against the brick. The tumble of emotions inside of me finally getting the best of me. A shaky hysterical sob escapes my mouth. I keep my hand over my lips to press it back inside.
What just happened? Did that really just happen? The air squeaks into my lungs as my throat closes up and my eyes mist over